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Green Arrow

Posted 6:14 pm, 05/10/2021

And you think ypu know all about my symptoms now do you?? I know what I know then and now.


Posted 3:57 pm, 05/10/2021

My research says a rotten camper can cause all your symptoms.


Posted 1:35 pm, 05/10/2021

Krazy, contaminants leaching into a water supply is completely different from spray carrying through the air. You didn't get covered by spray unless you walked behind the sprayer. You got sick from the filth you were willing to live in.

Green Arrow

Posted 8:18 am, 05/10/2021

No wonder the fool got shot by the cops

Green Arrow

Posted 8:15 am, 05/10/2021

Now is that the kind of rational, commonsense person you would want to trust with a chemical thar can eat into your skin unless you wear a hazmat suit?? A fool who thinks you can pick up a well and move it for his convenience.

Green Arrow

Posted 7:59 am, 05/10/2021

Henryii you are correct about the honeybees and the respiratory problems. I know exactly what I know about that spray and it seemed to me that particular tree farmer always waited until windy days to spray. Unlike some I do go outside and watch birds etc. You can't win with the Goashe squatters here they know everything probably even to howmany times you crap. Their kind of experts scare **** out of me. I know hoe many neighbors in that area had cancer, I talked to them. I know how many of their pets died of cancer. I lost one myself while living there. I know how far this county will go to cover for what makes them money. One of this county's tree farmers, once his chemicals leached into my fathers well told him to "to move his well to solve the problem" a hand dug well now just pick that puppy up and move it somewhere else. My father talked to an attorney and said tree farmer backed off and fyi it was a Shatley to be exact. Where do you move a well on a half acre and exactly do you move a hole in the ground full of water?? You think someone like that would have the commonsense NOT to spray on a windy day. When I walked outside and my skin collected an oily film, someone running a machine making ahigh frequency squeal, spraying trees, then I know where it came from. Ashe County has a very high cancer rate, all kinds of cancers Now the facts speak for themselves.


Posted 5:27 pm, 05/09/2021

And Pinocchio we do have people sick all the time. I personally have never lived in a rural area where there were so many people with respiratory problems, Before you go into your usual infantile tirade about statistical proof I'm not into inventing statistics as are you, but try using some logic and observe when you're in the doctors office, the health clinic or the hospital. I'd say use common sense but that ship sailed from this site a long time ago launched by you and your soulmates.


Posted 3:17 pm, 05/09/2021

You might get enough to kill a bee hive to float through the air. But not to cover her like she said. I would suspect more likely the spray landed on plants the bees were working and they carried it back to the hive. It's not going to float in the air 50 feet and cover a woman. If it would, we would have people sick all the time.

Joseph T.

Posted 2:59 pm, 05/09/2021

aFicIoNadoS (view profile)

Posted 12:29 pm, 05/09/2021

Joe, I wasn't saying the stuff isn't dangerous. She's claiming she was "covered" in spray from walking to the mailbox. You know as well as I do, the only way that's happening is if she walked about 6' behind the sprayer. The spray isn't going to travel that far.

I get what you are saying but she might be right this time. A tree framer that everyone on this board knows was telling about killing his neighbors Honey bees when the wind carried the spray off his property and on to his neighbors property. So the question is does it happen the answer is yes it does is it common most likely not


Posted 2:08 pm, 05/09/2021

Nothing is sprayed on a windy day Krazy and you for sure need a good spray.


Posted 1:29 pm, 05/09/2021

There you go Pinocchio just presented you with one of his "facts."


Posted 1:02 pm, 05/09/2021

For the past year, there has been tons of data about ow far spray can travel. Yes, it's called gravity that keeps it from going more than about 6'

Green Arrow

Posted 1:00 pm, 05/09/2021

Now I love being a party pooper and proving our resident GOASHE SQUATTER wrong but they currently have sprayers that will spray 80 foot trees all the way to the top. Think how far that carries on a windy day. Certainly explained the cancer rate in that area for people and pets.

Green Arrow

Posted 12:45 pm, 05/09/2021

Bull**** too. Spray it on a windy day and see how far it goes. If its on a ridge higher than you are it floats down. Its called GRAVITY.


Posted 12:29 pm, 05/09/2021

Joe, I wasn't saying the stuff isn't dangerous. She's claiming she was "covered" in spray from walking to the mailbox. You know as well as I do, the only way that's happening is if she walked about 6' behind the sprayer. The spray isn't going to travel that far.


Posted 11:56 am, 05/09/2021

If the chemicals used on the Christmas trees is not harmful when it permeates into our groundwater why do the workers that stole so many of our citizen's jobs wear Tyvek suits and hoods?

You have to wonder why Trump didn't issue an executive order against the Christmas tree workers wearing protective clothing, just think of how many job stealing illegals he would have eliminated.

Joseph T.

Posted 11:46 am, 05/09/2021

The guy that use to own the 8 acre tree field behind me use a product that had a skull and cross bones on the bag. He wore a full hazmat suit and respirator and would put one hand full of the power in the tree on the trunk and limbs. He said that as soon has it got wet from the dew that it would start off gassing and kill the pest in the trees. I can tell you that for years there were no bugs, insects, spiders, ETC of any kind around here there were also no rabbits, coons, possums, even the deer stay away.

After he stopped taking care of the trees we started having problems with ticks and ants the bird started coming back around along with the deer and other wildlife. I don't remember what that stuff was but it basically created a dead zone around his property.


Posted 11:36 am, 05/09/2021

There is nothing wrong the those chemicals since you cant buy them from Kmart. You also these days need a pesticide license to use and buy chemicals. As I read a investigative report by Scott Logan Ashe county was a test site for the effect of chemicals and humans. You think you were a test subject Krazy?

Green Arrow

Posted 10:15 pm, 05/08/2021

Do you know what Cygon 2e is used for? Malathion, diasyston, keltane, or any other garden chemical?? Well I hate to tell you we sold many garden chemicals at kmart. I had to train in hazardous chemicals and what to do in case of a spill. Drove the forklift too. I did and learned a **** of a lot more than just how to stand around talkin on a cell phone lookin pretty. A lot of it I already knew and I certainly didn't need any degree to tell me when my skin was covered by chemicals being sprayed on Christmas trees while the wind was blowing. I know enough to poison you if I chose to not only chemicals but which plants cand make you sick or yes even put you in a pine box so don't tell me what I know. I spent years studying them and growing plants you've never heard of or seen. Over 400 gesneriads and african violets were destroyed on that little fiasco on the Mulatto.


Posted 7:49 pm, 05/08/2021

Pinocchio's got me wondering, as our site expert on pretty well everything how is it he doesn't know the difference between physics and chemistry? This erudite individual who has regaled us with his knowledge of electro-motives, electronics. battery technology, mechanics, epidemiology, bacteriology, medicine etc.etc. etc. failed to learn in his one room school house the difference between those two sciences. Was that school house located in the USA or in the wilderness area of some third world country?

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