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Threads 1 - 20 of 6,567





Trump’s speech last night is outstanding, no teleprompter.
As the installed potus biden's mind gets worse and worse, and his poll numbers are tanking . The people who protect him had to come up wi...

Trump Predicts Alvin Bragg Will Drop Case Before It Gets To Jury...
Bragg and the rest of the crooks all the way back to the illegitimate installed old crook biden, sure don't want the jury to hear Bob Cos...

Happy Sabbath Day the day God created for man to Rest.
If you CHRISTIANS think following Traditions of Man is going to get you to the Father you're Lying to yourself ONLY ONE WAY... JESUS... w...

Have you ever felt a song
This one remiinds me of someone evertime I hear it http://www.youtube.com/wat...

Drug test Joe
Trump calls for a drug test for Joe Biden . Why shouldn't Joe immediately go get one and prove what he's jacked up on.

How many illegals does Biden want?
Is there a limit?

Colossians 2:16
Therefore, no one is to act as your judge in regard to food and drink, or in respect to a festival or a new moon, or a Sabbath day

Blue Ridge Peds Letter
Our sources is wondering if Chendo had anything to do with the security breech at Blue Ridge Pediatrics, the portly red headed punk which...

Days End goes kapoot.
I just read the other day the state turned down the sardine boxes at Days End for housing..Hud refused to approve the things since they p...

What ever it takes
Folks, if it takes bringing more Muslims here to help Democrats win elections these politicians do not deserve to win an election. We can...

Easter Trip!!
High No really high. I've been since Easter. Let me explain Santa and hippie were being processed to be deported. Neither one of them cou...

Bidenflation numbers are 'really horrible'
CBO director is covering up Bidenflation rate by using 2019 numbers... https://www.youtube.com/wat...gx fSId1B4

President Buffoon's path of US energy destruction continues
Biden's federal government is wrecking life for the average American. https://www.youtube.com/wat...zzwdylNXvg

So what you Christians are saying is the LAWS of God are void or it's pick and choose?
Either way you lying. Jesus taught the LAWS of God will not be made void. Don't be a Jew and reject him. So the choice is YOURS. Will you...

U.S. interest payments on its debt are set to exceed defense spending.
Federal spending on interest payments is forecast to hit $870 billion this year exceeding the $822 billion that the nation will spend o...

'This Is Not Normal Stuff': Gov. Tim Walz Blasts Alito Over 'Stop The Steal' Flag Display (msn.com) "Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) on ...

Anti Trump Kasich stuns MSNBC host by saying there's 'real possibility' Biden won't be the Democrats candidate

Remember when
Democrats penalized you for not having health insurance they're giving it to illegals for free.

Hidden Biden
President Biden's assertion of executive privilege to avoid releasing audio recordings of his interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur ...

20% of democrats own guns and 35 % of republicans own guns.
Who are the people against guns?


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