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Ashe County School System losing good teachers by the day!


Posted 7:28 am, 06/20/2018

Johnson, Holden, Brittian seem solid. They bring YOUTH

McClure seems like more of the same ole - same ole - his expertise in education is much like Williams and Jones - outdated.


Posted 7:21 am, 06/20/2018

McClure, Brittain, and we need one more good candidate. Good to see people coming forward to make the change.


Posted 9:49 pm, 06/19/2018

Ms Brittain works with children every day. I think that makes her more than qualified to run for BOE and represent those children.


Posted 9:15 pm, 06/19/2018

If you examine the makeup of the education boards across all 100 counties, very few are comprised of educators. They’re mostly doctors, attorneys, or parents. In a lot of cases, just opportunists looking to get their foot in the electoral door. Ashe is actually an exception with three out of five educators on the current board.


Posted 9:14 pm, 06/19/2018

I believe Ms. Brittian works at the courthouse in the Juvenile Justice department.


Posted 9:01 pm, 06/19/2018

What she know about making educational decisions? Is she an educator? She she a business owner?


Posted 8:49 pm, 06/19/2018

For those of you who say we need younger people on the BOE, Penny Brittian has filed and she is in her 30's.


Posted 8:27 pm, 06/19/2018

The fact is that Callie has a body that there for 12 months and wwes and mves and ACHS had a person there to help 11 months, not 12. I don’t care what he got paid. Supers daughter had help, others didn’t. However, when supers daughter was an ap at high school, she was employeed for 12 months, and when she moved, moved to 11 month position. Check the records.


Posted 7:50 pm, 06/19/2018

You guys are arguing without knowing my opinion.. JB has been moved from place to place because of his extreme religious and political views. Trying to find a place where his preaching does not get the BOE sued. Maintenance director is best. He does not interact with parents. Some of whom might be h*mosexual or Wican. He once traded a Ford for a Dodge(at a loss) because Ford would not come out against h*mosexuals.


Posted 7:34 pm, 06/19/2018

You take the monthly pay and multiply by 12

Not sure what scale you’re using - but you are wrong


If an AP’s monthly pay was $3000 that person would have a yearly salary of
$30,000 for a 10 month contract
$33,000 for an 11 month contract
$36,000 for a 12 month contract

You are paid by the number of months you work


Posted 6:59 pm, 06/19/2018

You are a ****g idiot.


Posted 6:45 pm, 06/19/2018

It doesn’t work that way. 12 months made more. Ask them. They are not teachers. Why would jerry work 12 months for same pay? He made more than others. Look it up on your make believe chart that had been altered by the system. You are not smart. Bless.


Posted 6:38 pm, 06/19/2018

It's not hard. Take annual salary and divide it by 10, 11, or 12. You have no idea what you are talking about. If you can read, you can comprehend it.


Posted 6:23 pm, 06/19/2018

Heels09, are you challenged? 11 months get paid 11 months and 12
Months gets paid more. What’s hard to figure with that? Callie has a person for 12 months and other schools had help for 11 months. That is the issue. Unfair?


Posted 5:14 pm, 06/19/2018

Heels - you are really arguing 11 mons and 12 mons are the same pay? A 12 months vice principal makes more than an 11 mons vice principal

It also allows for more sick time and such


Posted 4:52 pm, 06/19/2018


Another name on the list.


Posted 4:48 pm, 06/19/2018

Just look at the **** salary Schedules. How ****g stupid are you?


Posted 4:40 pm, 06/19/2018

You are a ****g dumb ***. The pay between 12 months and 11 months is the same. You are a complete ****g idiot.


Posted 4:07 pm, 06/19/2018

I agree with you, jack. Seems more like jealousy than anything. Nothing illegal or concerning the well being of the children.


Posted 3:18 pm, 06/19/2018

Jack, you don’t seem to get it. The fact is that the super’s daughter got 12 months for an assistant principal and all the others got 11 and then when she lost hers, she got a 12 month and so did everyone else. Every job that her daughter has had went from 11 months to 12 months and back to 11 when she left? Is that fair? Her school for extra positions and more when others got less. That’s the facts. Callie got principal when she had never taught. Is that fair! And both her and Phyllis do not have the degree. And ournboars allows that!

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