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Ashe High School?


Posted 10:11 pm, 10/10/2018

Here is the original post from this thread. Whoever posted it, is asking good questions.

I have real doubts. I know that the new principal was there for several years and if Yates wanted to change, then why would she choose someone already there? My knowledge is that the new principal will not meet with kids and that Yates is often seen over there helping her and meeting with her. Is this correct and did she do this to the one that she moved? Question: If she did demote the former one, did she offer him the help that she is offering the new one? Everyone says that the former high school principal has more degrees than all the other principals and directors, and is the only one in the county with a true Superintendents' license. Bobby Ashley was the next in line before Reeves came, but the same thing happened to him. He got axed by Yates. Does she really have this much power? Can someone explain why she was interim and why the current board lied and told us that she was interim and then she suddenly got a contract? Really? Our current board has someone without a Masters, experience in the schools, and has never taught. Teachers will continue to do their job, but the success of the schools is not because of her. She suddenly is at the high school all the time, but was never there last year? Does she feel like the former principal at the high school was after her job? So, then she demoted him. Hmmm. I am very concerned about our high school. I know the current principal was turned down at every school for an assistant principal and then go promoted without even an interview. Now students are not being met with and things are a mess. You take your only high school and put 3 brand new administrators? What is this board thinking? No wonder 8 people are running for the school board. In the past 20 years, I have never seen so many people to run for the board of education. I heard that over 12 teachers left the high school. What is happening to Ashe County High School now? Are students really first or others egos?

Seems like this is still the issue?

Pep Rally was canceled and is back on. PY backed Hipp till Beckworth stepped in. Heard all the credit is to be given to Beckwork for getting the Pep Rally back on! Great job! Williams tried to take credit, but it was all Beckworth that controls all board decisions.


Posted 9:33 pm, 10/09/2018

Ashe County Schools will be receiving $15 million in grant funds to go toward the new middle school. Is this money from lottery proceeds?


Posted 12:38 pm, 10/09/2018

An active fantasy life is so important these days.

jack rip her

Posted 12:17 pm, 10/09/2018

I chose not to attend the pep rally. I spent the time making my own pep rally with a chick to see how hot I could get her for that evening. No one ever missed me or the lucky girl. I really was turned on when they wore bows in their hair.


Posted 8:07 am, 10/09/2018

Oh yeah, life was going to end without a pep rally. You know I don’t remember anything about any pep rally from when I was in school. We just liked them because they got us out of class.


Posted 7:25 pm, 10/08/2018

Well I heard today the board of education ordered the high school to do a pep rally. I'm glad they got this done for the kids. It was dumb not to have one to begin with anyway.


Posted 12:26 pm, 10/07/2018

Everyone should be liable to use names. But one assistant principal did get himself 12 months and his wife an admin job at the high school so this site has worked to his advantage. He complained till he got 12 months for all assistant principals. Not using names should be illegal. Yates should be able to take vacation any time she wants. That is silly.


Posted 9:06 am, 10/07/2018

aFicIoNadoS (view profile)

Posted 9:03 am, 10/07/2018

You are a moron. The superintendent’s vacation time doesn’t affect school operations. Try again to find something real to complain about.

Spot on. Most of the teachers I've ever spoken to would rather not see the superintendent every day. As stated just need something to complain about.


Posted 9:04 am, 10/07/2018

All these folks who know Mrs. Yates's schedule must be awfully close to her. Otherwise, I'm not sure how'd they'd know her comings and goings. If not, someone needs to get a life, or maybe just do their job, huh? Until further notice she is the boss; you just need to suck it up and deal with it.


Posted 9:03 am, 10/07/2018

You are a moron. The superintendent’s vacation time doesn’t affect school operations. Try again to find something real to complain about.


Posted 8:50 am, 10/07/2018

When you are head of finance and only checking red and black - take time off whenever

When you are the leader of the entire system - take time off according to the school calendar (Christmas, fall breaks, spring break whichever)

My husband is a retired executive. He only took his vacation days after all others under him decided their times - he also only took days when it was a down time in the business

Servant leadership improves moral - just my thoughts


Posted 12:26 pm, 10/06/2018

This has nothing to do with Yates being superintendent or not. Whoever holds the job has the right to take their vacation whenever they want to. It's kind of the perks of the job. It's pure jealousy that you try to compare teachers with 12 month administration. They are completely different.


Posted 11:44 am, 10/06/2018

How ridiculous. Teachers are off for two months in summer during prime vacation season, then they get 3 days at thanksgiving, two weeks at Christmas, Labor Day, MLK day, and a week for Spring Break. And m probably missing some. That’s 93 vacation days. That’s 12 weeks. They don’t need any more vacation days. Anyone that thinks they do should not be allowed to vote due to sheer stupidity.


Posted 8:14 am, 10/06/2018

I don't trust some of my kin.

jack rip her

Posted 6:34 am, 10/06/2018

Sassy who are the people we trust?


Posted 9:22 pm, 10/05/2018

I am pretty sure most of the things posted on this thread are not completely true......pay no tention to foolishness. Vote for the people you know, grew up with, are kin to and trust.


Posted 6:43 pm, 10/05/2018

As a matter of fact State law prohibits teacher use of annual leave days during instruction time. See below genius.

Restrictions on use by instructional personnel and teacher assistants: Classroom teachers who require a substitute, school media coordinators who require a substitute and teacher assistants who require a substitute may not take annual vacation leave at any time that students are scheduled to be in attendance except as provided in Section 3.2 (Leave for Catastrophic Illness), or Section 3.3 (Leave for New Parents) of this manual. However, local school boards of education may adopt policies permitting instructional personnel employed for 11 or 12 months in year- round schools to, with the approval of the principal, take annual vacation leave at a time when students are in attendance; local funds shall be used to cover the cost of substitute teachers.


Posted 4:34 pm, 10/05/2018

You are an idiot. They get 2 freaking months off. They are paid to be in the classroom and they should be there. No they don't deserve multiple weeks off extra. That's ridiculous. I have said before. I don't care who you think I am, but if you must know both my parents were teachers, and not once did we ever take vacation outside of the time they were off. They had much more pride and respect for the positions they held than the teachers do today. They felt it was their duty and job to be there. Also, we were never rich but they lived a nice comfortable life. So next time you can't come up with an intelligent answer and decide to attack me you better know what the **** you are talking about.


Posted 3:38 pm, 10/05/2018

So TH is back at it again with election time looming near. Have to try to make PY look bad so he can hope to get voted in. She has done more for the school system and been more honest and true than you did in the entire four years you were here. From what I hear, all you did was run the roads. You were never at work and should have been docked many absences since you never were at work or the schools. Well, except with one exception at one school. The drop during her first year as superintendent was because of the four years of you doing NOTHING. You can't turn a school system around from neglect in one year. Now things are starting to turn around and people are coming together and you are dying to get your hands back in and tear it back apart. Throwing off on her taking a vacation, really? When people work 12 months, they do tend to take off a couple of weeks somewhere during the year. Just like teachers usually take their vacations while off during the summer months. DUH!!! Just how many different user names are you going to use on here? People in Ashe are smarter than you are giving them credit for. You are only hurting yourself with all the fake lies you get on here and spread!


Posted 3:21 pm, 10/05/2018

Teachers have husbands that get trips and deserve to take time off too .They are honest and take their time. Heels 09 , all have pegged you as Joel or Callie, we all know.

Superindentent Yates is currently out of town again. She never answers or returns emails. Thanks for defending your mama for personal gain. Teachers deserve to take days off with families. If she is 12 months, then teachers who are 10 months deserve to put their families first. They just do it honestly. Pull the records like you usually do heels09 and see how much she takes off in the school year. It’s a lot. But you know because she’s with you in your beach condos that you from lies from your family and marking other people off the Will. Dishonest and lies !

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