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Posted 1:44 pm, 09/05/2020

Ol Henry, Were you allowed to keep your doctor and does your insurance cost the same a cell phone bill, roughly $45 a month?

Neither does mine! Obama and Biden screwed us on that deal as with everything else. We hired Trump to fix it but unfortunately, McCain, stopped completely stopping Obama care.. If anyone has called him names, he earned them respectfully.

But as far as Trump, a graduate from the military academy, calling all service men names. That is BS and already debunked
It was made up by the Dumacrats in an attack to discredit what Trump has really done for the military. He even built it back after Obama dismantled it..

Did you watch Biden at his press conference? It was a joke. I got tickled when he was responding to a reporter by reading his written answer... Talk about lack of leadership and not having a clue!

Bidens experienced with defending america boils down to bending over and handing airplanes of cash over to the bad guys. Dont know bout you, but I dont like the wuss


Posted 1:43 pm, 09/05/2020

McCain proved his loyalty to the nation when he single handed made his vote with his thumb. May he rot in hades for all I care.


Posted 12:48 pm, 09/05/2020

After insulting John McCain on live TV The Chump denied doing so even though millions of viewers saw and heard him do so. And yet most of the deplorable's believed denial, and now he's directed more insults at our vet's and serving military. Yes, by The Chosen One's standards anyone who volunteers to serve their country in the armed forces are suckers and losers. Anyone who did not evade the draft when it was in force is a sucker and a loser. This self proclaimed "patriot" sees the USA as his personal piggy bank and he would be happy to sell us to his boy friend Putin if the price was right.

I hope our service personnel are smart enough to realize that the extra money in their paychecks is a bribe, in keeping with his amoral and unethical personality he believes anyone can be bought. He has insulted the Greatest Generation and all our men and women currently serving in our armed forces and all our vet's. Of course he's vehemently denying his words, but after the way he insulted John McCain even after John was dead leaves little doubt that he made the remarks attributed to him. He would dearly love to impose a system of government on the USA similar to that which so many of our heroes fought against in WWII, with him as Der Fuhrer.
I would like to think this would finally bring it home to the deplorables and Trumpoids out there that Trump is a despicable, lying, cowardly draft dodging bully and coward. However, i fully realize there will still be some that continue to support him, all I can say is that is because they are just like him.

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