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Commission Chair Facebook Pic Calls for Troops to Overthrow Obama


Posted 10:10 am, 09/24/2015

Think we should over throw Roark


Posted 5:59 pm, 09/23/2015



Posted 4:38 pm, 09/23/2015

County Roark


Posted 3:41 pm, 09/23/2015

Are ya'll talking about the county board or town board commissioner?

What is his name?


Posted 5:56 pm, 09/19/2015

I do not care who the President is you should not do what this commissioner did and he should pay the price for his actions now not later


Posted 11:42 am, 09/19/2015

Scott, I wasn't specifically referring to the Sedition Act that was designed to target Eugene Debs, I was referring to what's in the Federal Statutes under Treason, Sedition, and the encouragement of said. 18-2382, and 18-2384. I do agree that Sedition is a term that has fallen out of favor and that had is directly pointed to the Sedition act, I would be off point.

The more modern phraseology is espionage and most of the relative statutes are found under the Espionage Acts, that have evolved over the years up to and including the Hatch Act. I haven't kept up with the Orwellian names of the updated statutes that have been adopted since 9/11.

My point though is that an elected official doesn't have the right to encourage the illegal over through of the US Government. Now, while meeting in the chamber, he can say any stupid thing he wants and his speech is protected, but outside that envelop his speech is constrained by law, and the Feds could come after him if they cared, which they don't.

For me, I think Sedition best describes the speech, even if the penalties are now found in other named statutes.

PS - You mean Andrew Jackson was not alive in 1930? - He would have only been about 175 years old ;)


Posted 11:00 pm, 09/18/2015

Sedition Act expired in the early 19th century, the only part remaining is the Alien Enemy Act.

Andrew Jackson was president in the 1830s as well not the 1930s. But that is true he did threaten SC with that and they were afraid of him enough that they straightened up. It's possible the civil war would of been in the 1830s if he hadn't been president at the time.

General legal opinion today is that the Sedition Act would be unconstitutional based on numerous SCOTUS opinions issued in the mid to late 20th century.


Posted 7:36 pm, 09/18/2015

The Founding Fathers never dreamed that moronic, barely literate refugees from Scotland would eventually cause so much trouble. There's a reason the Scots-Irish were run out of Scotland, then Ireland. Now they make up the core of America's dumb white rednecks.

You can be a redneck or a good ole boy without being abjectly stupid.

I don't like sedition and I agree with how Andrew Jackson handled things when public officials were running their mouth in South Carolina in the 1930's. He told them he would come down there with the Army and hang them from the nearest sour apple tree.

Free speech is one thing, sedition is another. Then again some of these folks are too poorly educated to even understand what comes out of their mouths.

No elected person should get away with passing along sedition, slander, racism, sexism, etc. But it's the public that has to be willing to dish out the punishment.


Posted 7:25 pm, 09/18/2015



Posted 7:21 pm, 09/18/2015

That commissioner should be removed right this second


Posted 3:05 pm, 09/17/2015


This should get you to the post in question.


Posted 8:49 pm, 09/16/2015

Why hasn't anyone posted a link?


Posted 8:16 pm, 09/16/2015

Better make it a triple.


Posted 7:50 pm, 09/16/2015

I need a drink...


Posted 5:53 pm, 09/16/2015

Is that his way of getting publicity for Ashe County?


Posted 3:04 pm, 09/16/2015

Who will save us from his stupid ***?


Posted 1:40 pm, 09/16/2015

While there is freedom of speech, I wonder if this could be considered treason, or at least a conspiracy to harm the elected President?


Posted 1:34 pm, 09/16/2015

Nice that the chair of our board of commissioners posts a FB pic calling for troops to overthrow the president and "save the USA". Now that's a true leader.

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