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Current COVID 19 Cases


Posted 10:52 am, 05/09/2021

It's not that they don't have faith in the shot. It's that Fauci and Biden want every safe guard in place possible, just in case. The problem is, that goes to a ridiculous level. It's like Dr Jill Biden (btw her doctorate is in English, not medicine) telling people to wear a mask while walking their dog alone. That doesn't follow the science at all. The science says a mask keeps an infected person from contaminating others. It doesn't keep a healthy person from inhaling viral particles. But they want to get people used to wearing masks all the time, so they wear them in risky times. Biden wears a mask at outdoor press conferences not because he thinks he needs it, but to set an example. My problem with this is they are straight out lying to us. Then they justify it with "do it just in case. What is it going to hurt?" And personally, that's when I stop listening to them all together.

It's become especially frustrating now that the CDC has contradicted Biden and Fauci recently. The CDC released information showing that outdoor contamination doesn't happen. They said unless you're in a crowd like a concert (or a mob) it's basically impossible to contract the virus outside. Although, the numbers from the riots over the last year seem to show that was just them hedging their bets. Then more recently they did say if you're fully vaccinated (2 weeks after your last dose) you're good to go. But we have only had silence from the White House. They are scared to death about giving the people any leeway.

Our own governor said a couple weeks ago that he's probably going to lift all restrictions June 1. My question, what's the difference in May 1 and June 1? I think this delay is just a mind game to make people think all the lock downs over the last year have served some benefit. This is nothing but politics. There's no science to it.


Posted 8:59 am, 05/09/2021

I don't get how they say vaccinated people still need to wear a mask. I makes it look like they don't have much faith in the shot. Then there's folks like Fauci and Biden......fully vaccinated, and double masking when they know the cameras are watching.


Posted 6:22 am, 05/09/2021

I feel we all concur.


Posted 2:25 am, 05/09/2021

"Personally, I'm completely fed up with the lack of honesty from all the powers that are supposed to be experts"


As well as a lack of consensus!


Posted 9:50 pm, 05/03/2021

The CDC says the first dose is 80% effective.

I've been reading through multiple articles on this tonight. I see what you're saying, in the 14 days the vaccines are only 60+/-% effective. But after that it appears to be 80%. Reporting on the 2 week window seems misleading by the fda because after each shot, they take roughly 14 days to reach their full potential. Personally, I'm completely fed up with the lack of honesty from all the powers that are supposed to be experts.


Posted 9:23 pm, 05/03/2021


From the article I got the information, there is a roughly 13 day period from when the first dose of Moderna is received before protection begins. There is also, according to the article, a period (11 days) before the Pizer dose starts protecting against infection as well, I think the 52% and 69% effective numbers were factoring in the time from the first dose to protection beginning in their projections. I looked at the cited document but gave up after my eyes began to cross.

"Pfizer's shot was 52.4% effective at protecting against COVID-19 with symptoms between the first and second dose, according to the FDA documents. But the 52.4% figure includes the 11 days before protection kicks in after the first dose, so the real percentage could well be higher. The true value lies between 29.5% and 84.5%, according to the FDA documents. There was a wide range because not many people caught COVID-19 in the trial during this time period."

"Moderna's vaccine was 69.5% effective at preventing COVID-19 with symptoms between the first and second dose, with a true value between 43.5% and 84.5%. There was a fairly wide range because the number of people that caught COVID-19 in the trial during this time period was low. The 69.5% figure includes the 13 days before protection starts, so the real percentage could be higher. There were a small number of people in Moderna's trial - about 7% - that didn't get their second dose for unknown reasons. In this group, the shot was 50.8% effective at preventing COVID-19 with symptoms for up to 14 days after the first dose and 92.1% effective after 14 days."


Posted 8:47 pm, 05/03/2021

Fins one dose of Moderna is 80+ effective and 96% effective 2 weeks after the second dose is what I have been told by my doctor last week.


Posted 7:54 pm, 05/03/2021

Wondering, I want to back up to something from a week ago. You said the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are 52% and 69% effective between the first and second dose. But your own link from yahoo says they are more like 80% effective. Their one does is as effective as the J&J.


Posted 7:01 am, 05/03/2021

A genetic predisposition is a logical possibility. But notice that the UK is number 11. If you take that and look at what's happened here with northern states, the climate theory seems like it deserves more study


Posted 10:33 pm, 05/02/2021

You are correct. It does look as if the Balkan States are seeing a higher percentage of their population die from the Coronavirus than other regions around the world. It is possible that there is something in the climate in that area which makes the virus particularly deadly.

My first though was it could be that a larger segment of the population has been exposed to the virus but according to John's Hopkins, in Hungary, there have been 782,892 cases but no data on the number of tests conducted. With the 9,770,000 population given on the site you linked, that would only calculate to an exposure of around 8% of the population, which is below the US infection rate. A rough check of the numbers 9.77 Million * 8% infection rate = 781,600 cases. 781,600 cases * 3.55% mortality rate = 27,746.8 deaths. JH gives 27,802 currently and the site you linked gave 27,358 which is in the same ballpark.

It could be that people of Slavic ethnicity are more susceptible to the virus. I know Minnesota has a relatively large number of immigrates from Russia and the Balkans and they have been one of the hotspots in the upper midwestern US. But all of this is just speculation on my part. Anyway, very interesting site.


Posted 9:14 pm, 05/02/2021

You pulled the mortality rate based on the confirmed cases. I should have been more clear. I meant mortality rates per population total. Take a look at this listing based on deaths per every million people. I'm incorrect on the region that I was thinking was discussed. It wasn't stans. but look at the top 11 countries. Italy doesn't exactly fit with the climate theory, but their aging population could explain for their ranking.


Posted 6:53 pm, 05/02/2021


Here is the top 28 countries in John's Hopkin's Sick Map in total number of cases. (US-Sweden) along with some countries from the Baltic Region for comparison. As you can see, of the countries listed, Mexico has by far the highest Mortality Rate followed by Bulgaria, Hungary, South Africa, Peru, Slovakia, and Italy. Of the Baltic States I included, several had very low MR which makes me question the data that is being released. Turkey's numbers also look to be too low by far as well. Also, notice poor maligned Sweden sitting there at 28 with a much lower Mortality Rate than the US.

Selected Countries Mortality Rates


Mortality Rate in Percent













United Kingdom


























South Africa



































Posted 2:33 pm, 05/02/2021

Wondering, have you seen anything about what countries have the highest mortality rates? I heard a guy on the radio claiming that several of the Baltic stans have the highest mortality rates. And they theorized it was climate related. And that their climates are similar to some of the norther US states, like Michigan


Posted 12:52 am, 05/02/2021

I am not going to bother with a full update this week as the COVID-19 situation in the US and in NC continues to improve. The US added 354,089 new cases for the week ending May 1 along with 4,362 additional COVID-19 related deaths. The seven-day average of daily new cases dropped an impressive 10,217.57 cases per day between April 24 and May 1 to end the week at 50,584.14 new cases per day. The US Mortality Rate dropped 0.01% during the week and settled at 1.78%.

As mentioned, the situation in NC is also improved with the seven-day average of daily new cases dropping 59.86 cases per day between April 24 and May 1. NC added 12,280 cases and 128 deaths over the last seven days and the NC Mortality Rate flittered between 1.31% and 1.30% finally settling at 1.30% this morning.

Locally, Ashe, Alleghany and Watauga averaged 17.29, 13.46, and 23.86 active cases a day respectively. Ashe added 21 total cases for the week. Alleghany was up 15 cases, Watauga increased by 24 and Wilkes added 41 cases and 2 additional COVID-19 related deaths.

While the overall news is good, there continues to be outbreaks here and there. If you haven't been vaccinated, I highly urge you to schedule an appointment to take the dose. It is not about politics; red or blue, young or old, you can still catch the virus and spread it to others. The virus may not kill you, but it could save you the cost of an emergency room visit or even worse, a trip to an ICU unit. I was reading an article this past week about the average cost for treatment of the virus for acute cases requiring hospitalization. Depending on the length of the stay in ICU and the patient's age, the cost was between around $34,662 to $45,683. (Hospitalized care for COVID-19 averages $34,662 to $45,683, varying by age | Healthcare Finance News)


Posted 9:53 pm, 04/26/2021


I probably should clarify my statement likening not taking both doses of the vaccine to not completing a full course of antibiotics. The article I read was speaking on the virus landscape in Brazil and was speculation from from some of the Brazilian health officials. As of 4/24/2021, according the a L.A. Times article, less than 5% of the population is full vaccinated and the P.1 variant is sickening people who have already been infected with and recovered from COVID-19, "meaning it is able to resist the antibodies developed in response to earlier strains." (Coronavirus variants spur more deaths in India, Brazil - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

According to the FDA, the Pizer vaccine is about 52% effective between the two doses including the 11 days before the protection kicks in. Moderna was 69.5% effective at preventing COVID-19 between doses including the 13 days before protection begins.

"There were a small number of people in Moderna's trial - about 7% - that didn't get their second dose for unknown reasons. In this group, the shot was 50.8% effective at preventing COVID-19 with symptoms for up to 14 days after the first dose and 92.1% effective after 14 days."

Regardless, the P.1 variant is troubling since it is effecting younger and healthier segments of the population. In Brazil the number of COVID-19 related deaths in the 20 to 29 year age bracket is up 1,000% since the beginning of the year. (see LA Times article linked above). Coupled with the low percentage of fully vaccinated population, the vaccine which makes up 80% of Brazils vaccination program, Sinovac Biotech COVID-19 vaccine, has been shown to be just 16% effective after the first dose. (UPDATE 1-Brazil's COVID-19 vaccination program at risk due to 2nd dose no-shows (msn.com))


Posted 10:56 pm, 04/25/2021

We discussed Michigan before, I believe. I still feel the virus has a course to run and the issue in Michigan is the Governor only delayed that course with her draconian orders. This may have helped hospitals from being overwhelmed at once. But that's all.

Can you explain how not taking the second shot would be on par with not finishing an antibiotic? The first shot is said to be more effective than the single dose J&J. I don't see hot not getting the second shot would be the same as the antibiotic issue. That seems like some faulty theory.

As for the media and their fear invoking terror, they did the same thing for an entire year anytime a potential treatment came up. They convinced people that hydroxychloriquin was a killer. I don't know if it would have helped. But I do know it never got a fair trial because of the media. They labeled it dangerous, but the reality is, it's one of the few drugs that a doctor can prescribe to a pregnant woman for the full length of her pregnancy.


Posted 9:36 pm, 04/25/2021


I think the Easter holiday generated a bit of a spike in case counts. I haven't seen any NC hospitalization numbers, but I have seen where some of the midwestern states such as Michigan has seen a rapid increase in case counts and hospitalizations. Also, as we are seeing in Brazil, the mutated South African variant (P.1) is affecting the younger population segment more severely than COVID-19 1.0 and the Great Britain variant. The scary thing is this variant looks to be more transmissible and I have read reports the current crop of vaccines do not fully protect against this strain. I have seen reports that this strain has been found in Delaware and Texas.

I have seen some speculation that not taking both doses of the vaccine could possibly be responsible for these mutated variants becoming more vaccine resistant, kind of like not taking the full course of antibiotics have led to super bugs which are resistant to penicillin.

As Dawg pointed out, a lot of the reluctance to take the vaccine lies at the feet of the mainstream media harping on the relatively few cases of reactions to the shots. If you take the time to read the warnings on any medication, including plain aspirin, you will see there are possible side effects to just about everything you introduce into your body. Sensationalization of fact designed to increase ratings is what we have seen from day one of this crisis and has done way more harm than good. I find it ironic that a lot of the people I know who are steadfastly against getting the shots, had zero qualms about blowing the majority of the $1,400 relief check on a new tattoo.


Posted 7:43 pm, 04/25/2021

I dont pay any attention to the state covid site and the local gossip stations has the hospitals at about 1000 in for covid. A lot of hospitals have closed down their special covid rooms you mentioned. The positive rate last week was reported to be 5.1%.


Posted 5:40 pm, 04/25/2021

Wondering, is the almost 50% difference between people with one shot and those fully vaccinated because some people are saying 1 shot is good enough for them? That's too big of a difference just for the two week window.

Also, I'm hearing hospitals in NC are seeing a run again. Some worrying it's a third wave. But also apparently this time it's younger patients. The assumption is younger people have really gotten fed up and are getting back to live. I haven't verified if this spike on hospitals is true or not. Wondering if you had any info. The problem is hospital capacities can be skewed pretty easily because some rooms can be changed quickly for their type of use. And most people don't know most ICU wards already run fairly close to max capacity anyway.

The bottom line though is this virus seems to do what it wants and attempts to change that only delay the outcome. At some point we are going to have to learn to live with it like the flu.

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