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Drug roundup


Posted 5:58 pm, 10/23/2014

Dont insult liquor and women. And so far, weve seen no proof that C3PO actually served. Based on most of his posts, I question if he could pass the ASVAB


Posted 5:40 pm, 10/23/2014



Posted 5:33 pm, 10/23/2014

Opinion - Like right said. If Tim was sheriff he would have done the same thing. According to the paper this is a conspiracy case. You cannot build a case like that overnight. It obviously took two and half years of who know what type of investigating to do. One article says Sheriff Williams stated that "Since "Operation Witches' Brew" began, more than 125 meth lab-related arrests have been made, with 40-50 of those reaching the federal level." This shows that Sheriff Williams' commitment to the nation's war on drugs is alive and working in Ashe County. I bet many of the families of these suspects will be thankful to Sheriff Williams for finally reaching their lost loved one. Lost to the continually circle of drugs that is so apparent in Ashe County. A case with 50 people also would certainly stretch outside of the county and have to involve other agencies. So to say there was not any plan to doing this the day before voting begins, who cares. We should be thankful that we have someone attempting to make a difference in our county. Some one who is committed to to building a case that hopefully will not just spin those caught right back out on the street because it was a minor infraction. This had to a big collection of small infractions that had lead to another day in court this time these offenders may not forget. Great job Sheriff Williams and your staff!!!


Posted 5:33 pm, 10/23/2014

Oneopinion, FYI, the term "Squid" is not a degrading term. It is frequently used along with "Swabby" etc. I know because I was in Navy, the US Navy incidentally, and trust me Squid is not offensive. I personally so far will still support Sheriff Williams right up to when I cast my vote, unless Blanch or someone else can come with real and honest information to make me change my mind. He is doing a good job. Yes, I disagree with some of his ideas (CCP for one) and we have read here my thoughts about the ill conceived agreement with Nat Geo. I don't disagree with enough things about him to just blindly vote for someone else. I like too many things about his performance. Far too few times in recent elections, both local and beyond, have a candidate that I can vote FOR. I said FOR. Not having to vote against someone just because both of them are about equally distasteful choices.


Posted 5:10 pm, 10/23/2014

no opinion, tell me which poll you will be at on nov 4. I drink jack daniels and if you are a female I may cop a feel.

Funny I missed all the ads advertising for the forum. I have little doubt that going to this show would have been a waste of time as the questions for debate would not have come from the audience. Either candidate is welcome to join in with us here. Nancy lee did it last election.


Posted 4:56 pm, 10/23/2014

The debate between Williams and Winters has happened at least twice in the past month. The regular political sales pitches and promises. Both events held at the Ashe Courthouse with a scant few people in attendance. I would like to see a show of hands of you geniuses who attended and are regular yappers on Go Ashe. Your opinions are never on the subject at hand and quickly get in the mire by badmouthing each other,talking about liquor and women and leading of to another subject you see shiny or interesting.

I will have to agree with Navy/squid or whatever name you regular yappers would like to use to degrade (him or her). The real character by the current officeholder is questioned when this witches brew has been brewing since February 2012. The paper says Ashe County, SBI, Watauga. Boone, and departments out of state have cooperated in this largest ever drug bust in Ashe. Seems like the big bust has more players than just one county sheriff who may or may not be trying to get the vote. On the other hand if all the friends and families of the 50 plus folks arrested were to show up at the poles in protest the sheriff who arrested them vote totals may tilt another way. You just never know what will rally the vote and who will loose because of it.

Former Navy person who served their country, thanks for your service. Not squid as you badmouths so lovingly refer, USNAVY3po is correct. The press radio, newspaper and TV stations were made aware of their need to prepare for the Wednesday Oct 22 nd "Breaking News". They were told a week or more ago of the Big Story from the ACSO Funny how all the hard from multi agencies work showed up on TV and in the local media less than 24 hours before the voting starts. Don't you just love to hate politics.

Notice how Ashe County people sure do show up on TV a lot lately!


Posted 4:26 pm, 10/23/2014

I notice Tim's biggest fan started this thread. He must be hating that his candidate isn't actually active law enforcement. Well he could round up all the drug dealers in Jefferson if he wanted to make a statement. Tim would have made the same decision if he was Sheriff. Best political sign I have seen yet. a big one that says I run my office and and I am doing the job and not just wanting the job!


Posted 4:15 pm, 10/23/2014

Blanch is just trying to stir up the pot. In the past when Ive critiqued the barney club, she has gotten all mad and defended them, and talked about how she knows people in law enforcement. She also tried to tell me that when she tried to tell me she could find out who I am. Shes just making noise and as nothing to contribute


Posted 4:10 pm, 10/23/2014

That is civic service. Which of those should make me want to vote for him for sheriff. I am looking for Law Enforcement related talents. Convince me I want to vote soon but I am not convinced. Good guy will not get my vote that is what is wrong with a lot of the good ole boy organizations today. And what service did he do in West Jefferson? He is only a reserve officer with Jefferson and works maybe two or three times a year from what the town says.


Posted 3:59 pm, 10/23/2014

Years on the Rescue Squard --- which saves lives without them who would be there to back up the ambulance service when they were on other calles.

Years on the Fire Department --- Which saves lives and homes

Years of public services --- for Jefferson, West Jefferson and the County of Ashe



Posted 3:51 pm, 10/23/2014

Blanch if you have some real honest to gosh information about why people should not vote for ANY candidate you are doing yourself, the rest of the County residents, and the opposition a great disservice. I'm not talking about what some preacher said, or something that was aid in the hair dresser's. I mean real and truthful information. Come on now--out with it.


Posted 3:40 pm, 10/23/2014

Quality of service?


Posted 2:56 pm, 10/23/2014

Since there is a debate on Go ASHE of the people, Why not let Winters and Williams have a debate so everyone can decide for themselves? I am sure I would rather hear the larger matters at hand and how they will be changed. I do feel that the drug bust was to gain attention before the elections also. but the name calling of Winters is not telling us why we shouldn't vote for him. I have seen Mr. Winters at many events in the county and so far I am very impressed with his quality of service he has given this County.


Posted 2:36 pm, 10/23/2014

I think they in the SO are all crooked...not one but all of them...I could tell you some things about Williams that would make you change your mind about him, but I'll be a nice lady and keep quiet!!


Posted 1:50 pm, 10/23/2014

usnavy3po you recently engaged, on one page or the other, in a debate against williams. Flip that coin and tell why we should vote for winters! You say change has to occur. What changes can be made without significant funding? Also I would like a response that explains 31 years of experience that winters has. I know winters was a deputy under the undertaker. I have heard that he was fired for campaigning for the democratic candidate running against his boss in his last term. I also heard that his family begged his job back only to be released again for bad mouthing his boss again. His career there was only 12 years or so. Where are the other 19 years?


Posted 1:38 pm, 10/23/2014

Btw Squid, if you bothered to do a bit of research, you would know that no one on this site has been an avid supporter of the current High Sheriff. His selling out the county for that rediculous TV show has been a very sore subject with most people I've talked to. But you are confusing peoples even bigger dislike of winters as support of Williams. You also seem to think that people callig you out for your lack of knowledge as supporting the current regime.

Now that I've explained it to you so you won't look like a moron, let's take the next step and you tell us your investigative background and explain how this undercover operation should have went


Posted 1:22 pm, 10/23/2014

Fins, that's is an answer I would like to hear also.


Posted 1:20 pm, 10/23/2014

Come on Squid, what's your investigative experience?


Posted 1:18 pm, 10/23/2014

Good riddance!


Posted 1:11 pm, 10/23/2014

its like iam talking to a brick wall. thanks for reminding me iam surrounded by idiots here. im out.

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