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Easter Trip!!


Posted 9:14 am, 05/13/2024


I woke up this mornin' with the sundown shinin' in
I found my mind in a brown paper bag within
I tripped on a cloud and fell-a eight miles high
I tore my mind on a jagged sky
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

I pushed my soul in a deep dark hole and then I followed it in
I watched myself crawlin' out as I was a-crawlin' in
I got up so tight I couldn't unwind
I saw so much I broke my mind
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

Mickey Newbury wrote this


Posted 5:06 pm, 05/12/2024


We chase misprinted lies
We face the path of time
And yet I fight
And yet I fight
This battle all alone
No one to cry to
No place to call home

My gift of self is raped
My privacy is raked
And yet I find
And yet I find
Repeating in my head
If I can't be my own
I'd feel better dead

Alice In Chains


Posted 7:07 am, 05/11/2024


All that you touch
And all that you see
All that you taste
All you feel

And all that you love
And all that you hate
All you distrust
All you save

And all that you give
And all that you deal
And all that you buy
Beg, borrow or steal

And all you create
And all you destroy
And all that you do
And all that you say

And all that you eat
And everyone you meet
And all that you slight
And everyone you fight

And all that is now
And all that is gone
And all that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon

There is no dark side of the moon, really
Matter of fact, it's all dark

Pink Floyd


Posted 7:33 am, 05/05/2024


Out in the country
Hear the people singing
Singing about their growing
Knowing where they're going
Yeah, yeah

Oh, oh, the people turned away, yeah
Oh, the people turned away

Sing loud for the sunshine
Pray hard for the rain
And show your love for Lady Nature
And she will come back again
Yeah, yes, she will

Oh, the people turned away

Led Zeppelin


Posted 11:12 am, 05/04/2024


I can't rest in war, will you be my friend?
Dark Ages never change, well I can't comprehend
Kiss me we self destruct, can you hear me, Lord?
Yes, I think we're ******, but I can't rest in war

The righteous and the wicked, war and peace
The killing fist of the human beast
P.O.P, Prodigies of Peace
Hear me when I'm calling you from my knees
I am praying for a better day

Red Hot Chili Peppers


Posted 6:53 am, 05/01/2024


Tin soldiers and Nixon coming
We're finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been gone long ago
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?


Green Arrow

Posted 10:17 am, 04/29/2024

Mental one of my neighbors on the Mulatyo got an early wakeup call one morning. He had been grilling on his deck the night before and opened his door to a bear looking in at him. I had a scanner at the time and that call to the Sheriffs office was so funny. They told him to just leave it alone and stop leaving his grill uncleaned on the porch.


Posted 9:19 am, 04/29/2024


Hello arrow. I eat the lettuce in salads
I found another huge patch the other day
I had a bear visit at 3 in the morning
Sounded like my house was going to fall apart
The bear went to my side porch and
he shook the gate free from the latch.
Broke the latch and the gate
I would imagine he was a he because a female bear would
have just walked right over it. The smarter thing to do.
And what did this bear break my latch and gate for??
Hummingbird food. Drank it dry!!
A little irritating because I thought I was doing good
not keeping any bird feeders out but I forgot about
the hummingbird food.
I can honestly say the dogs I have are not Plott Hounds
All six were curled up together shaking

Green Arrow

Posted 8:08 am, 04/28/2024

As to the cruel, evil people, and the name calling don't worry about it. I don't since its just what our world has become. Trust me its going to get worse before it gets better. Mans word doesn't mean anything , any longer and thats sad, when money enters the picture.

Green Arrow

Posted 8:04 am, 04/28/2024

Mental, my son and brother brought me some branch lettuce the other day, then my daughter cut some for me. This time of year is bad for me. My mom and I used to go cut it every spring. Got caught by the game warden one year who asked if we were fishing. He said he bet he knew we were cutting branch lettuce. She had a stroke and I was afraid to take her with me any longer since I was afraud she would fall and I would be unable to get her help. . We had some really good times and there was nothing we could not talk about. I would cut it, look it and bring it to her. Do you like it killed with buttermilk?? The onions in it usually don't like me anymore. A shame most of those creeks near my old home place was seeded with it by me.


Posted 7:10 am, 04/28/2024


Dear Diary
Hello Diary
I am sad.
I am sad because once again nothing but hatred,name calling,
vindictiveness and on and on
When will this species we call humans ever come together?
Supposedly the smartest creature ever to inhabit this earth
and look how we act.
It is a shame......
Talk to you later Diary

Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid
As a moment regained and regarded both the same
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid
A clearer future, morning, evening, nights with you



Posted 8:06 am, 04/24/2024


Looks like the wild flowers are on their way
I also found a huge patch of ramps and
the branch lettuce is out. Now I just need
some bacon grease and I could cook a meal!
I dont eat bacon but I read people would
combine their branch lettuce and ramps and
cook them in bacon grease
I like the ramps in my salads along with the branch lettuce
Just waiting for the mushrooms!!

Green Arrow

Posted 12:59 pm, 04/22/2024

Typical April weather. Probably has everything confused


Posted 10:32 am, 04/22/2024


Hello arrow. My hummingbirds were acting strange also
They did not care for the food I made at first
They would go to the feeder but hardly drink
Yesterday they started to spend more time perched so
they drank more I counted 4 yesterday
Im having problems with the big black ants
They seem to have no problem finding and
getting into the feeder
Freaking "chilly" out!!

Green Arrow

Posted 7:45 am, 04/22/2024

Mental U had a hummingbird looking in my window Friday. My feeders are out but it looked like he was yelling for food. Now tge fight with tge bees begins since they like sugar water too.


Posted 6:48 am, 04/22/2024


Too bad the government does not set aside funds
to help people like you
I would give my tax dollars to help
you write something worth reading......



Posted 9:20 am, 04/21/2024

We's reading on Go's Wilkes site where they's some white supremisists gambling on dog fighting and chicken fighting and such. That ain't legal yet as far as we can tell. We's told them younguns passed some sorter rule bout concurrently which high school younguns can get paid for they hawt athleticism and they daddys can gamble on them games and such also. Reckon the libs which enjoy taxing ever **** thing will make the refs pay em on the bribes they get from the daddy ballers at such?


Posted 8:15 am, 04/21/2024


I dont keep up with politics because I think the two
party system of this country is evil. And what I just found out confirms it
It is now legal to gamble in this state.
Marijuana is illegal Mushrooms are illegal
But gambling, one of the most addictive "drugs"
known to man is legal.
Science has proven herb and shrooms are beneficial
to us monkeys with thumbs. Many states have legalized either or both
but this state of NC, the pride of the white supremacy bible belt
has made gambling legal.
The damage gambling does is insane and this state
allowed it to become legal. For what? Tax revenue?
And who is receiving the tax benefits of this sick disease?
The government of this state understands gambling is bad because they are
setting aside $2 million a year for gambling addiction education
and treatment
This is never going to end well......


Posted 4:37 am, 04/18/2024


Two of them came to my feeder!!
I know spring is here now. I only have one feeder
because in the past I had about 5 feeders and those
crazy birds would go nuts!! Attacking each other like they
were part of out 2 party system
I also found some showy orchid's They havent bloomed yet
so I will be keeping an eye on them
I love spring!!

Green Arrow

Posted 7:45 am, 04/16/2024

My ex was highly allergic to any kind of bees. I shad to learn to give him the shots but had I known then what I do now thebees coild have had him. I have two.brothers who are also allergic. Learning to give shots helped when I came here sunce my dad was on insulin and my sister who was,a cna at the time wasn't allowed to give him his shots and my youngest never lesrned how. I gave my ex insulin for a long time before he left. I haven't had to take them myself since my metformin is still working Looks like we might see some storms this afternoon. Had to leave my windows open last night since it was so warm.

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