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Posted 2:27 pm, 07/29/2022

Piss ant with each post you make you further reveal how ignorant you really are. You are out of your league but you continue to try and interject like you know all about owning a rental property. I proved you dont several posts ago.


Posted 11:57 am, 07/29/2022

I've never owned anything and I don't know anything about upkeep, I guess that crystal ball you've got stuck up you keester tells you all this.

fins you know nothing yet you pretend to know everything. If anyone were to believe you, and other than your puppet poopdoggie I don't think anyone would, you are an expert in the following: Small arms, ballistics, epidemiology, battery technology and a host of other things that are too numerous to recall. Add to these entrepreneur par excellence, Wow! what a resume.
In fact you're a Walter Mitty with a colossal inferiority complex, and you feel that drawing on your imagination and telling outrageous lies will compensate for your lack of self worth. Your political leanings are based on those you feel represent wealth and power and you live vicariously through these "role models."
You and your puppy dog are gigantic phoneys!


Posted 9:56 am, 07/29/2022

Thanks Mr Hankey, once again, you've confirmed my accusations as facts. Fact 1, you've never owned anything or have any clue about upkeep. Fact 2, you have no plan or alternative and you're talking out of your *** again just to troll for an argument. Thank you Hankey, you make it so easy. When you openly admit that you can't dispute my statements, everyone sees what a loser you are.

Green Arrow

Posted 9:52 am, 07/29/2022

Fins you mean there are actually slumlords who maintain their properties?? Where since I haven't seen them yet since I try to avoid slums.

Green Arrow

Posted 9:50 am, 07/29/2022

Henri its like tge claims,all homeless people are drunks or druggies. Neither my daughter nor I are either. The only drugs I take are prescribed by my doctor abd yes Fins darlon your tax dollars are spebding over 600 dollars,a month on my behalf for those drugs. Drugs such as alpha blockers beta blockers, high blood pressure, diabetes drugs, you get the point all doctor prescribed. Now I may take tylenol when my arthritus kicks up but outside of those no meth, cocaine etc. Same for my daughter she doesn't drink or take any drugs. Now,I lived in a mobile home for years never drabk or took drugs,so what exactly in your opinion Fins makes people who live in mobile homes meth heads?? Thats the proble now people sterotyping people fir what they do not have.


Posted 9:16 am, 07/29/2022

fins, let's address two glaring inferences in you last post: all trailer dwellers are meth heads and the slum lords are giving them somewhere to live out of the goodness of their hearts.

As to the cost of maintaining their of their properties going up, $00.00 is still $00.00 with or without inlation.
Any recommendation I might make in regards alternatives to house these METH HEADS would bring your rightie cronies out of the woodwork with their leftist, liberal, bleeding heart, tax and spend programs cries


Posted 7:57 am, 07/29/2022

Hankey, you avoided the question. Where would all those crackheads live if the slumlords as you call them didn't rent to them? And you keep ignoring that the cost of everything has gone up for those landlords for maintaining their properties and they didn't get to collect any income for over a year. Once again you have proven you don't own anything.

Green Arrow

Posted 7:48 am, 07/29/2022

I think I shall be off to contact the State Attorney General's office now about all this conspiracy in Ashe County unless someone admits to lying and does it pretty darn quick.

Green Arrow

Posted 7:43 am, 07/29/2022

Now according to NC law and common law the longest term for a lease is 99 years so once again Dog you are lying.

Green Arrow

Posted 7:34 am, 07/29/2022

YAWNNNNN !!! Keep lying doggie. Why did the FMHA thenbrequire something that does not exist for a period of 30 YEARS??? Are you now telling me that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT does not know what in **** a registered property lease is??? Are you also telling me that a LICENSED NORTH CAROLINA ATTORNEY does not know what a registered lease is. One WILLIAM H HEAFNER??? Are you also saying the REGISTER OF DEEDS is SO STUPID as to register a FICTICIOUS DOCUMENT that does not exist????? Then as I said every single one involved in that FIASCO shoukd be investigated including the fmha and the register of deeds not to mention the notaries that placed the NC seal on a document that did not exist for FRAUD, and CONSPIRACY, and presecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Now you are telling me NC statutes do not say what they say. What friggin land are you from la la land. Guess I might contact tge State,Attorney General now that this,CONSPIRACY has come to light. You know tgat sayibg whats done in dark is seen in the light. I can say one thing you have made a valiant effort to say Feb, 15, 2006 didn't happen but those videos say otherwise as does tge court records say otherwise unless they have bern shredded and I the victim of all that FRAUD say otherwise.


Posted 7:18 pm, 07/28/2022

Krazy your quoting of chapter 47 pertains to a business lease not a house or apartment lease. No one leases a house for more then 1 year. No one signs a lease for more then 1 year. No one records a lease because no one files for it to end.

There is no such thing as a registered lease.

Green Arrow

Posted 5:42 pm, 07/28/2022

Now dog just how much did it cost to buy a court Judge and get him to issue that court ruling that neither plantiff or defendent had any copy of a lease that could be recorded with the lease in his HAND and the seal of NC clearly visable. How was it that three attorneys Reeves, Kilby and William H Heafner were so negligent and incompetent they could not check the register of deed for any leases on tge property of L. Hal Heafner, BEFORE starting court proceeding to stomp all over me a LEGAL TENANT having every right to be there and telling ASHE FEDERAL BANK, now LIFESTORE what I would do and when I would do it with MY OWN PROPERTY on a legally leased property?? Considering one of the incompetents was the attorney William H Heafner was the one who drew up that lease, couldn't draw up a fricking dog license in my opinion. Now the whole bunch should be investigated and prosecuted for FRAUD including that judge. Now if anyone wants to SUE ME for the truth then have at it. I certainly don't have much left after that conspiracy and Heafners lying bs I have had all the lies, the put downs, the court dragging in fact just about all of Ashe County and its crap I can stomach. I refuse to allow them to hide their dirty laundrybehind me and keep quiet about it.

Green Arrow

Posted 4:36 pm, 07/28/2022

According to North Carolina G.S. � 47-18, a tenant who is leasing space for a term of more than three years should ensure that a memorandum of lease be executed and recorded in the office of the register of deeds in the county where the property is located. One very important item to note regarding the statutory language of a lease of "more than three (3) years" is that this refers to all leases for which the initial term combined with any renewal options exceeds three years. For example, a lease with a one year initial term with two additional two year options to renew the lease must also be recorded to protect the tenant from a third party purchaser for value as the total length of lease term is for more than three years.

A simple process for peace of mind
The memorandum is a short document outlining only certain parts of the lease and does not disclose confidential or proprietary information pertaining to the financial aspects of the lease. The memorandum simply needs to state the parties involved, the property description, and the length of term of the lease, which includes all renewal options. While the lease, if not recorded, will remain enforceable against the current landlord, the tenant can be quickly evicted by a third party purchaser for value if the property is sold. Additionally, if the lease is not recorded, then the tenant could be evicted in a foreclosure by a lien creditor of the current landlord. If no memorandum of lease is on record, then such a third party purchaser is not required by law to recognize the lease if they choose not to, regardless of if such purchaser knew about the lease or the tenant.

Now would you like to tell me AGAIN I had NO CASE and there is no such thing as a registered lease?????My registered lease contained what the state required to be legal and valid. It did not end when Hal Heafner died and the buyer or inheriter of that property CHRISTMAS MOUNTAIN was obligated by law,to recognize MY RIGHTS THERE which he did not do .

Green Arrow

Posted 4:27 pm, 07/28/2022

Dog you are an inbecile. Woukd tou like for me to post every sing mention of a registered lease on here? You will NOT it stated in the evebt of tgle lessors death it protects tge interest of the lessee. Its there in black and white. So tell us,again there is no such thing as A REGISTERED LEASE. Sure as,**** didn't protect me did it??

Green Arrow

Posted 4:23 pm, 07/28/2022

registered lease is a leasehold interest in real property which is recorded in the official registry of a government body responsible for land filings. By registering a lease, the public is put on notice of any restrictions and covenants that attach to the lease, such as restrictions on transfer, options to renew or purchase, or easements associated with the lease, among others. Registration may also have tax implications. Laws governing registered leaseholds vary by jurisdiction.

The following is an example of one country's law governing registered leases:

(1) A separate register of leasehold land shall be kept and,

(a) any person who has contracted to buy for the person's own benefit leasehold land held under a lease for a life or lives, or determinable on a life or lives, or for a term of years of which at least twenty-one are unexpired, or in respect of which the lessee or the lessee's assigns is or are entitled to a renewal term or succession of terms amounting with the part unexpired of the current term to at least twenty-one years, or to a renewal for a life or lives, whether or not subject to encumbrances;

(b) any person entitled for the person's own benefit, at law or in equity, to leasehold land held under any such lease whether or not subject to encumbrances; or

(c) any person capable of disposing for the person's own benefit by way of sale or leasehold land held under any such lease whether or not subject to encumbrances, may apply to the land registrar to be registered or to have registered in the person's stead any nominee as owner of such leasehold land, with the addition, where the lease under which the land is held is derived immediately out of freehold land and the applicant is able to submit for examination the title of the lessor, of a declaration of the title of the lessor to grant the lease under which the land is held, if, in the case of leasehold land contracted to be bought, the vendor etc


Posted 4:09 pm, 07/28/2022

poopdoggie, you said I thought it was OK for Charlotte to raise rents on nice rentals, that's not a comparison that's putting words into my mouth.

As to your ability to buy and sell me, people that have real money do not brag about, it only those that lack same and are jealous of those that do
And who are these people that you're going to hire to screw with me 24/7, do they know about your plans yet?
Let's face it you're just a screwed up little nobody that apes those he perceives as his betters, pretends that he has money and property which he does not and influential connections that don't exist.
You're just a silly little twerp whose flights of imagination take him to places where he's never going to go in reality. Go enjoy your hissy fit you sorry little Rumplicker.


Posted 3:42 pm, 07/28/2022

There is no such thing as a registered lease.

Green Arrow

Posted 3:38 pm, 07/28/2022

Dog it amuses me no end that you come on this site and BRAG about being part of a conspiracy to "put me in my place" but I'm the krazy one. Yet I am supposed to have been tge one who DEFRAUDED MY DAUGHTER and I out of more than 34,000 dollars. Guess I evicted myself from.my own paid for mobile home too didn't I. Oh and must not forget engineered a mediation, tried to push a gag order before the ink was dry, drawn up a phony vehicle to steal government and it was a registered lease even a judge coukd not recognize. Lets not forget set up fraudulent investment scams and managed to get fined and sued by 8 people. Man I just weecled poor old Jimmy boys reputation and life and I don't even know how it **** I accomplished it all. I wonder did I leave that poor old woman under Rogers care to freeze to death too in that parking lot of Hillview and cover that up. Or maybe I kidnapped the one who was found walking inbthe middle of the road and returned to old Debbie Hart. If I managed all that then all I can say is I'm good.

Green Arrow

Posted 3:24 pm, 07/28/2022

But don't worry sof my brother and sins are teyibg to make symure that headline does not happen. But I noticed there were three or four headlines on my news feed of lousy landlord including the one in Florida trying to blame the tenants cause his building fell down. I found that one funny in the extreme.


Posted 3:17 pm, 07/28/2022

Piss ant you can quit playing stupid like krazy you know I was making a comparison but again I am taking over your little middle management head.

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