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Green Arrow bashing thread.


Posted 7:17 pm, 01/07/2022

His daughter was so excited to get the 50b she doesn't remember. Her mother said it was the best thing that ever happened to her getting him out and the promise of silver bracelets if he came near her.


Posted 7:09 pm, 01/07/2022

Serious question, Charlie. Is it also public record which magistrate or judge issued it?


Posted 6:46 pm, 01/07/2022

A 50b is issued by a magistrate or a judge. You wife and daughter took one out on you which states you may not have any contact with them piss ant. And stop playing stupid.


Posted 6:09 pm, 01/07/2022

Fictitious or not, I hear Tom & Jerry and some of the other fellers are thinking a little harder before they put something on here. I hope they are growing some brain cells back but it is doubtful.


Posted 5:53 pm, 01/07/2022

I don't know what a 50b is but as it originated with dung beetle it's probably fictitious or worthless like its originator.

Green Arrow

Posted 5:51 pm, 01/07/2022

Henrii, I don't know about allowing them to ezploit anything. Once you are dragged in courtfor any reason it becomes PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and anyone can access it. My whole intent is to prevent anyone else from getting involved with the ones who harmed me. Anyone who can laugh and nake fun of what went on on the Mulatto has to be one sick puppy. If I prevent one person from biying into that Development then it has been worth it I have watched karma take care of those who walked all over me and I woukd be willing to bet thete is some coming down the line. A situation that never should have been dragged inti court was. In 31 yeats Hal Heafner never saw the need for any court to have anything to do with business between us He was a fine man but his sons left a lot to be desired. Had Jim Heafner not started lying to me it woukd not have escaladed into the mess it did. The lies caught up to him at last. They lied about that lease, and claimed I drew it up, lied about not knowing who I was, lied, lied, and lied again. I said in 2005 Jim Heafner was a white collar criminal and noone believed it. Bow that he has taken millions the truth of my words can be seen. Fin, dog, and goat claimed they knew me from when I was growing up. Maybe, maybe not. But they are on no position to judge anyone or anything. They put on airs here thinking it makes them big men or some such. It doesn't ot shows them for what they are cowards hiding behind a fake name.


Posted 2:33 pm, 01/07/2022

Maybe but probably not. I have never had a 50b on me like Tommy said you did. I thought you were giving up Stanky.


Posted 2:11 pm, 01/07/2022

bacon, I didn't realize until now but you are a bully, do you get some kind of thrill out of kicking vulnerable people around, maybe you need a shrink.


Posted 1:56 pm, 01/07/2022

"gave them a chance to exploit your vulnerabilities" sounds like a fancy feller phrase for allowing oneself to be bullied. Of course I really have no idea but that sounds like more victim blaming to me. That's what Snot's shrink told me also.


Posted 1:50 pm, 01/07/2022

And yet you knowingly gave them the opportunity to exploit your vulnerabilities. It seems a lot like m*sochism to me.

Green Arrow

Posted 12:58 pm, 01/07/2022

Henrii, I have put up with their kind since I started elementary school. They have an inflated sense of their own importance. When I get sick of their bs I will walk away from this site and never look back. I have been through more than most here woukd understand and I woukd not wish it on anyone. Someone has,to stand up against their kind and it might as,well be me.


Posted 11:20 am, 01/07/2022

Up to you Stankeyhankey. You should probably take it up with Tom and Jerry. She's the one who said you have a 50b on you. I figured if anybody knows, she does.


Posted 11:17 am, 01/07/2022

I give up.


Posted 10:53 am, 01/07/2022

That is what Snot's shrink told me anyhow. She said she is still deciding whether he has NPD or multiple personalities or what. He won't come in or bring Tom in for his re-eval and he forgot to sign his HIPAA so she can tell me all about it and he can't sue her for talking because he is the feller who forgot.


Posted 10:51 am, 01/07/2022

Bacon, I don't know what your talking about and I seriously doubt that you do either but try to develop some coherency.


Posted 10:34 am, 01/07/2022

Hankeystankey, for your future reference that's what we call victim blaming and some of what gets fellers 50b's on them.


Posted 10:29 am, 01/07/2022

Green, I hate to say this but you brought a lot of this on your self. You don't put details of your personal life on this site when bottom feeders like Fictionado and dung beetle are waiting to pounce. The only way they can bolster their pathetic inferior egos is by trying to pull others down.


Posted 9:35 am, 01/07/2022

Tom, also you are a fine one to talk to Arrow about setting examples for her daughter. You must make yours so proud. Love you handsome.


Posted 9:13 am, 01/07/2022

Charlie we are all just mad that we can't date you. Ask AOC she is obviously your type.


Posted 8:18 am, 01/07/2022

Krazy your imagination amazes me.

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