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Idiot tree haulers....


Posted 7:30 pm, 11/15/2016

Whats funny is to watch these interstate truck drivers, with that lost look on their face motoring down these two lane roads...Get them away from the big road and they forget completely how to drive..


Posted 10:57 am, 11/15/2016

Someone who would know told me tree season always leaves the area with a bunch of unwanted pregnancies to deal with.


Posted 7:27 pm, 11/09/2016

Well ****.....


Posted 1:28 pm, 11/09/2016

Not likely to get much help from them either. Tree money built most of the baptist churches.


Posted 10:18 am, 11/09/2016

Guess as a last resort I could ask for the Baptist to pray for a tree killing miracle that could finally rid Ashe of them and the idiots hauling them.


Posted 7:42 pm, 11/08/2016

I agree with Dog. I might as well piss in my face. Joe, you are either a tree farmer or too ignorant to see reality.


Posted 7:33 pm, 11/08/2016

I have ocean front property for sale in Arizona. Interested?

Joseph T.

Posted 7:23 pm, 11/08/2016

What's a matter are you embarrassed that your linked article contradicts what you claim in your post. As for the Hillary/CNN comment that is just like a dumb democrat to change the subject when they get caught in a lie. That said I don't watch CNN ever and I wouldn't believe one single thing that Hillary said,


Posted 7:12 pm, 11/08/2016

Proof is in the pudding, Joe! Why did they stop manufacturing it? I know tree farmers that have a stock pile of it. You must be a Hillary fan and believe everything CNN tells you.

Joseph T.

Posted 6:59 pm, 11/08/2016

PeterParker (view profile)

Posted 6:28 pm, 11/08/2016

Tree farmers get to do what they want. They put so much money back into the Ashe County economy HAHA. Which is BS. Wal mart does not offer Gucci bags for their wives and mistresses. Employees send the money back to Mexico. They do put money into the churches. Maybe they think that God will spare them for poisoning their neighbors. Ashe County has one of the states highest cancer rates. What else do we have the most of? I will take my chances on a contaminated Chinese plastic tree. Take a look at the number 1 chemical they use on trees. https://www.organicc...pesticides. Where did all the quail go? If you say coyotes then explain the disappearance of the owls. Maybe coyotes climb trees.

That's funny your link seems to say other wise this is taken form the article you linked to.

"Later that same year, The High Point Enterprise printed an article by staff writer Robert J. Warren called, "O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree! How deadly are your branches? Chemical use on farms raises health questions." The article included the following:

About 50 million Christmas trees planted in the hillsides of Western North Carolina bring holiday joy to families around the world.

Yet, the farms that grow them may be slowly poisoning mountain folk who live nearby.

"Our study has shown us that in some locations pesticides are reaching the groundwater," Henry Wade said. Wade works in the pesticide section of the N.C. Department of Agriculture in Raleigh�

But it's not just the water. Reports of dead birds and dogs after pesticide dusting at some Christmas tree farms have neighbors concerned� "We have reports from neighbors and workers who believe their health has been affected by the Christmas tree farms�We also have a tremendously high rate of still births and childhood cancers in the High Country" (Warren, 1995).

In fact, cancer rates in the mountains are lower than other areas of North Carolina. The problematic pesticides that were cited in the article were simazine, atrazine, and Di-Syston and contained the same research information from McGlaughlin. Further well testing continued in Avery and Watauga counties from funding provided by Ciba-Geigy. In Watauga County, 74 wells were tested with no detectable amounts of triazine. Later on, water samples brought in by homeowners were also screened in Extension offices in Ashe and Alleghany County. Though some samples came back positive for the triazines, the most important contaminant turned out to be lead from old pipes.

Also Bayer stopped making Di-Syston 8 and Di-Syston 15G in 2009


Posted 6:55 pm, 11/08/2016

Timmy you may as well lay down in the middle of the road and piss straight up as to what good it will do to call a single soul. They will have to kill a school bus load before any enforcement comes.


Posted 6:28 pm, 11/08/2016

Tree farmers get to do what they want. They put so much money back into the Ashe County economy HAHA. Which is BS. Wal mart does not offer Gucci bags for their wives and mistresses. Employees send the money back to Mexico. They do put money into the churches. Maybe they think that God will spare them for poisoning their neighbors. Ashe County has one of the states highest cancer rates. What else do we have the most of? I will take my chances on a contaminated Chinese plastic tree. Take a look at the number 1 chemical they use on trees. https://www.organicc...pesticides. Where did all the quail go? If you say coyotes then explain the disappearance of the owls. Maybe coyotes climb trees.

Joseph T.

Posted 6:00 pm, 11/08/2016

No tags are required for such trailers.


Posted 5:10 pm, 11/08/2016

Whats up, are the majority of you blind or just ignorant? Flying up and down the highways, pulling out in front of oncoming traffic, a majority running around no tags or lights on their trailers.. WTH, maybe a call to the NCDOT Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division is in order. Does temporary insanity set in with you all this time of year?

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