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Judy poe sits on the smokey mountain board under the pretense she is still a Ashe commisioner.

Tom L.

Posted 8:07 pm, 11/18/2015

It's all good, Farmboy.


Posted 8:01 pm, 11/18/2015

Better hope you don't get audited Timmy.

Tom L.

Posted 4:25 pm, 11/18/2015

Before becoming a commissioner she had a bookkeeping and tax accounting business than ran from the basement of her home. And it was still in business even after she became a commissioner. She handled my taxes for many years.


Posted 1:50 pm, 11/18/2015

I let them know about her and I am sure others did as well


Posted 12:41 pm, 11/18/2015

No such person on either site. Judy Poe has lied again. Imagine that.


Posted 10:35 am, 11/18/2015


Posted 9:40 am, 11/18/2015

Would there be a site one could check the credentials of a cpa?


Posted 9:36 am, 11/18/2015

She has been established a liar in public. She has no credibility.


Posted 9:17 am, 11/18/2015

Now they have her listed as a CPA. She graduated from WCC and her business says she is a bookkeeper. Does she really have a CPA or has she again inflated her credentials?

Joseph T.

Posted 9:06 am, 11/18/2015

Somebodies complaining must have gotten someone's attention as Judy Poe is no longer list as a county commissioners


Posted 8:28 am, 11/18/2015

dog, read your link but what I read was someone who wants to help not hurt. Are we looking for clones or people who are smart and unafraid to make changes needed?


Posted 7:29 am, 11/18/2015

Who would want to associate themselves with the office of commissioner after the tainting of the office the last few years? No one of any social status would do so. You would need to clean house and start over.

Given that persons with education and good common sense have jobs and dont have the time to spend more than 2 days a month at meetings alone. The only people I can think of are retirees that should run for office. If the county really wanted to have better persons running then make the office non partisan.


Posted 2:40 am, 11/18/2015

As OCM says the best people seldom run. It's not just on the local level, state level and national level too. State and National levels also are heavily influenced by media, while local races less so the word of mouth gets around.

Republicans being in charge of the county government is more recent though, same on the state level. Historically the GOP holds majorities far less time than the Democrats. The two party system is largely an invention of the 20th century. In the 18th and 19th centuries we had viable third and even fourth parties. However at the start of the progressive era the Rs and Ds got together and created balloting laws that are heavily unfavorable to anyone other than them. They then create a slush pool where they give tax breaks to corporations who then funnel that money back to the candidates. The corruption in both parties is very profound on all levels. Without changes to the ballot laws though it is difficult to challenge them due to costs and signature requirements. So that largely limits the state to 2 parties.

The best people don't run because simply they are busy living their lives, taking care of their families best they can. They are to busy to get into the game. In this county they don't have time to hang out all morning in Hardee's or McDonald's. The people you want in these offices are not the people that will run. Like George Washington you'll have to persuade them to run.

Old City Manager

Posted 11:06 pm, 11/17/2015

Most people who run for public office are self actualizing. Some are bored retired people. Some actually want to help. A horribly education public is why the candidates you get to chose from are usually so poor. You can't have an cordial, substantive argument with a moron. You can't argue with people who "feel" rather than "think". Feelers are people who when they "feel" something is a certain way, they can not change their minds. Feelers tend to be negative and reactionary to other in the public like themselves. They then over react and create all sorts of ****y problems for the staff.

People who "think" before they feel can be reasoned with and talked to without over reacting and they can handle their constituents without creating a constant state of turmoil.

Here in Ashe County, if you are not a registered Republican you have little chance of winning. Very intelligent Republicans tend to stay away from government preferring to pay for the influence they need (this is very logical - why become embroiled personally if you can get it done at arms length). Very intelligent Democrats have usually been active in politics for a long time and tend to get burned out or disillusioned. Independents are people who have not accepted that you have to be in one of the two parties to do a **** thing.

The problem with Republicans today is that they have moved so far right that they have reached the point of intellectually bankruptcy trying to recreate the glory feelings of the Ronald Reagan presidency (much the same way many Democrats of a certain age are hung up on Camelot. Republicans now elect people who do not believe in governing and think they can advance society by starving government through tax cuts and other races to the bottom. By moving so far right, Republicans have pushed the Democratic party to the left as there is little attempt to govern at the middle.

50 years ago main stream Republicans were pro-Main Street, pro community boosterism, and anti-interventionist. Now they take a set of positions that are not compatible with working government and the Pubs at the local level feel pressured to mimic what they see in Washington. Democrats wanted to solve all the social problems of the Nation cost be ****ed.

The two party system in the US is designed for one party to be the engine and the other party the break, and for those jobs to shift over time. It's not designed for two equally matched parties of anything like a 40/40/20 split.

In a five member board the ideal makeup is two people who mean well, two people who are active community boosters, and one naybob who reminds them that everything costs money and warns against stupid things.

Partisanship cuts out 40% of the potential candidates in Ashe County.

This means a troublemaker or an idiot or a combination of the two can get elected with just 31% support. It takes only one smart, articulate commissioner to cow three dumbs ones. Two really smart ones will turn a third.

If you want some stability you need to expand the board to 7 and have three districts and 4 at large. This will reduce the role of partisanship and increase the role of geographic identify in elections. In a district the cost of running is less and there is less need of a larger organization of band of cronies.

A person with prior upper level governmental experience at the local level is a plus if they are not running with an axe to grind. They will know truth from a bald face lie. However, getting votes to elect someone who has been employed by government is difficult due to jealousy and poor education.

Going back the point of feeling versus thinking, we have regressed in our society to the point that people who aren't that intelligent think they are smart enough to run a complex organization. Unlike Lake Woebegon, 50% of the public is of below average intelligence. With an anti-intellectual bent people who have no business holding a public office run and get elected, as we have seen all to much. This is why the Founders devised a Republic, not a Democracy.

So what are you left with in Ashe? Let's look at a 35/50/15 split between Dems/Pubs/Indepents:

No Democrats so take out 35% due to partisanship.

No smart Republicans who can operate behind the scenes cuts out 20-25% of them so that's 10-12.5% out of the mix.

What smart independent even wants to subject themselves to the morons? Cut out a third of them or 5%

This means every election starts with an effective candidate pool of 47.5% to 50% of the total pool and it's the bottom of the pool, not a cross section. That means for all practical purposes 24% to 25.1% will control the outcome of an election - this is how you end up with the tyranny of the stupid.


Posted 8:15 pm, 11/17/2015


I forgot just how dumb she was.


Posted 7:00 pm, 11/17/2015

I dont think being in office always taints someone. It certainly can, especially if the person is power hungry or gets on a power trip once thry get a taste of it. Donna Weaver may be way too classy for politics but a few good visionaries could sure make a difference in Ashe. I have always had respect for Larry Rhodes and still do. I had a lot of respect for Chief Rose in the past but his alignment with Roark and Richardson early on, made me question his leadership and decision making ability. Let's see how he stands on future issues and if he continues to just be a yes man to Roark. Anyone can talk a good talk. I will be watching the actions of all closely. There are 3 seats up on the Board of Commissioners. I see that as opportunity. I definitely know 2 I want to see go. I'm open to new faces, just none in clown makeup.

Tom L.

Posted 6:41 pm, 11/17/2015

Well lets see, just for feces and giggles.. Y'all so brilliant and have all the answers, how come none of you ever run for election to public office?


Posted 6:23 pm, 11/17/2015

I didn't say they have to agree 100% with me. Just that of the things she had that I disagree with, some were just too much to be able to support her. And she isn't smart.


Posted 6:13 pm, 11/17/2015

old news Nancy was on this site during the last election. You would just have to find the thread and see for yourself. She is and idiot but just not quite as bad as what is sitting there now. Its not that she said one thing that I disagreed with but several. Her ideology was not even close.

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