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Posted 12:24 pm, 05/05/2011

Uh....BonnieMay Dear, I never stated that I didn't like outsiders. I really don't care if you stay or go! I'm just saying if you are not happy here and don't like it here, then go. I'm ready for a better way of life so you just mold away!


Posted 2:08 pm, 05/04/2011

Dilliviagra, no donkeys in my barn. I park my a** in the house.


Posted 7:48 am, 05/04/2011

K37 the dog failed miserbly in spelling. He has told everyone. My spell check is just as bad as the dog. You will just have to over look the spelling. By the way did you see your kin singing that fin posted.


Posted 7:38 am, 05/04/2011

Underdog, It's VULTURE, SPELLING POLICE, arrest him, throw away the key. LOL!~!! and I haven't seen any of them lately since the Heafners, the looters and the vultures in this current mess. I did see some geese down on the river the other day on my way to Boone, I even occassionally see a heron down there, saw some hawks over the adjoining tree farm, and a hummingbird trying to come in my window telling me to get out his feeders.


Posted 6:52 am, 05/04/2011

I didn't ask you if I should move, bench. You have a self-righteous complex and you're quite judgemental of my opinion of people. I double dog dare you to find any post on this tread where I have condemned a person who lives where trailers and/or junk is present. You won't find it. As for the people, I don't know them. I offered an opinion of you right here based on your statements. By the way, it's not "trailor"; but, rather, "trailer". Hug that bench really hard; because you're being swept away by truth, reason, and common sense.


Posted 2:49 pm, 05/03/2011

Well....well here we go again....below averagebear did I say for you to move???? nawww....I understand your point of keeping your place nice and clean which I do, as a matter of fact I worked on my yard all day yesterday. But....tell me honestly when you look at a trailor park with junk in it, yards knee high, dirty old cars parked in the driveway, would you look at it and make a face???? and....if you DID make a face and then you have already in your heart looked down upon it and the families that live there. Taking your conceided mind and ways you run like **** to look for another place to live right???? You can talk to me until you turn blue in the face but, in your heart you've already made up your mind.


Posted 12:50 pm, 05/03/2011

I removed a few posts for vulgarity, trolling, and being off topic.


Posted 9:55 am, 05/03/2011

Billygoat, PROMISES, promises, now you will have to shut up since you obviously can't put up without help. POOR BABY. Now go out in the yard like a good goat and eat your tin cans.

Bonnie May have you seen any of those little gold finches yet. They are lovely. Isn't it amazing the names they give some of those birds??


Posted 9:32 am, 05/03/2011

Bonniemay, My daughter would have that snake corralled as her new pet. I once saw a blacksnake long enough that after it was killed it's tail dragged the ground on one side of the hoe I picked it up with and it's head the other. I was holding the hoe up as high as I could and my neighbor's daughter when she heard the shot though I'd killed my then husband. Must have been more than 8 foot long easily and it had been moving toward a little sheltie dog we had. . The old Hal Heafner two story house I lived in on the Mulatto before I moved my trailer there and the house burned, had a resident black snake. I would hear him at night in the walls, and he would sun himself on the old fireplace outside. I can't remember ever having a rat problem there but I was always cautioous when entering the kitchen..

I can't park my broom in your barn, I use a vacumn cleaner, or a Chevy. Ha!!Ha!!


Posted 9:23 am, 05/03/2011

Bonnie I would feel sorry if you had any donkeys in that barn of yours.


Posted 11:43 pm, 05/02/2011

My neighbor said he saw a titmouse on our porch rail the other day. I was so upset! I didn't know who to call first; my doctor or an exterminator! I was burning all my bras in the firepit just in case, when my husband said, "Don't worry. It's just a bird". Whew! Who said country living was the pathway to serenity? That hairy chested nutscratcher on the feeder that reminded me of Underdog was too much. Or was it a white wall wee wee? I forget.

Km37, you're still welcome to park your broom in our barn. The snake is the Goddess's symbol of wisdom, and ours is one honkin wise 5 foot long black snake. You could learn a lot about catching rats from him.


Posted 9:24 pm, 05/02/2011



Posted 9:23 pm, 05/02/2011

I would be the one with a crow in his mouth


Posted 9:22 pm, 05/02/2011

Underdaog, I saw a bird at my feeder today and thought of you. I think my birdbook said it was a rednecked nutscratcher, or something like that.


Posted 9:17 pm, 05/02/2011

you and clyde live at an insane asylm? Yes k37 would fit right in.


Posted 9:15 pm, 05/02/2011

She don't sound like a scarlet teenager to me. My husband thought he saw a rosy breasted pushover in the yard yesterday. If she likes birds as much as she says she does, she'd love it here. You've all been giving her enough of them .


Posted 4:37 pm, 05/02/2011

She is afraid you and Clyde might shoot her.


Posted 4:30 pm, 05/02/2011

iI already offered Km37 my barn and resident guard snake. The offer still stands.


Posted 1:51 pm, 05/02/2011

No, you are not up the wrong tree just the wrong post. K37 will be first in line for your free hand out. You just read all thats wrong with her trailer and you will spend all your money on her.


Posted 10:34 am, 05/02/2011

I think that a Christmas in April would be good for Ashe county. I'm sure that we have elderly and disabled

that could use a hand cleaning up and small repairs done on their homes or trailers. We could get local

companies to donate supplies. But then again after reading some of the replies on here I guess I'm

barking up the wrong tree.

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