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Looks like we will have a new sheriff in town

proud native

Posted 7:23 pm, 02/22/2018

Well hello captain literal


Posted 7:22 pm, 02/22/2018

Proud, post us a list of voters who want to be lied too. Post us a list of voters that want our county officials to make decicisions based on the needs of the official instead of what is best for the county as a whole. Go ahead, Proud, show us this base of yours that wants corruption.


Posted 6:43 pm, 02/22/2018

No, I call you liar because you are. Just like below where you are lying about what sassy said. She never said anything about talking to 99% of the people. But you can’t dispute her statement so you lie. You are a waste of flesh. The world would be better off without you

proud native

Posted 6:35 pm, 02/22/2018

So you have talked to 99.9% of Ashe County? Who’s lying now Sassy?


Posted 6:14 pm, 02/22/2018

And now the mouthpiece sassy joins in with her 2 cents...More useless babble from the lynch mob..


Posted 6:11 pm, 02/22/2018

My goodness, what y'all have been in to while I was busy. Ah have had such a hard day. Out doing good deeds for those in need. Well.....lets see. Proud you are insane if you think 99.9% of the electorate is not in favor of trustworthy county officials who put the citizens of Ashe in front of their own desires when they make decisions. The .1% would be the selfish 4 officials and their families. For those of you who are unaware......Rose, Perry, Yearick, and that worthless Roark put their needs before the needs of the citizens of Ashe. Proud you can lie all you want......the angry Ashe County electorate will not believe you. Let's see how many of the folks Proud lies for are ever elected or hold a position again.

proud native

Posted 6:01 pm, 02/22/2018

No you call anyone a liar that doesn’t agree with your narrow minded lynch mob mentality


Posted 5:53 pm, 02/22/2018

No Pork Chop, I can call you a liar because you are a confirmed liar. Everyone has seen it


Posted 5:50 pm, 02/22/2018

No Pork Chop, I can call you a liar because you are a confirmed liar. Everyone has seen it

proud native

Posted 5:50 pm, 02/22/2018

So he’s abusing women and little boys.


Posted 5:43 pm, 02/22/2018

Proud, you'll have to forgive Jacky. He just recently came out of the closet and hasn't adjusted to society yet.

proud native

Posted 5:40 pm, 02/22/2018

And mr Weinstein your admitted abuse of women should have you arrested


Posted 5:28 pm, 02/22/2018

Ah stuff it jacky, all we ever hear is the same old song and dance from you ...

jack rip her

Posted 5:27 pm, 02/22/2018

No one is asking you to join anyone porky. Frankly I wouldn''t piss on you if you were on fire. Your continued support for crooked, unethical, people is concerning.


Posted 5:21 pm, 02/22/2018

Proud,or Cliff, what did the DA threaten Roark with? ......just wondering.

proud native

Posted 5:02 pm, 02/22/2018

Finny.. me stirring things up?? That is the pot calling the kettle black.
All you can do is call me a liar just because I won’t drink your koolaid and join your lynch mob.
I am a much better person than you are..


Posted 4:26 pm, 02/22/2018

Go **** yourself Pork Chop. I wasnt wrong about anything. You though are a liar and Im starting to think nothing but a troll that just wants to cause chaos like the Russians. Even you cant be dumb enough to actually support Gary Roark or Terry Buchanan.

proud native

Posted 4:24 pm, 02/22/2018

Fins I accept your apology for being wrong.. way to try to weasel out..

And Mr Weinstein nobody mentioned party politics but you..over and over
You can’t preach ethics, morality, or legality to ANYONE

jack rip her

Posted 3:49 pm, 02/22/2018

Homes the text messages that have never been turned over will likely show that the hiring of Roark was done illegally and fins will be proven right.

Porky learn the difference in ethics and a party line. Upon completion learn the difference in the truth and a lie.


Posted 3:43 pm, 02/22/2018

Well, I was referring to the colluding and conspiring outside of a public meeting to get the job of maintenance supervisor as the illegal part. But, actually, having a conflict of interest and continuing to hold office and vote on issues is illegal. When he voted on the county budget he was in violation of the law because the budget included the maintenance department. Also, just the fact that they created a weird chain of command where his subordinate was also his boss also is a problem.

If you word your question correctly, you can get the school of government to say anything is ok. But I dont think Yosemite Sam ever really checked with them. Because previously its always been that county employees could not hold office as a commissioner. The same as a teacher cant run for school board.

And btw, Ive always said that Sands shouldnt be working at the sheriffs department, even if it was free and a commissioner, and that Rose shouldnt be a town employee and a commissioner because the county controls tax money that the town receives. But, neither of them were getting county payroll checks. So there is still a big difference than what Elmer Fudd did. If there is any justice at all, Gary Roark will be fired and lose everything he has, and have to stand in front of WalMart with a sign, "Will Lie and Steal for Food"

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