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Looks like we will have a new sheriff in town

proud native

Posted 3:39 pm, 02/22/2018

And so Honest Broker joins the lynch mob!

And like the rest you are judge and jury.. sad


Posted 3:16 pm, 02/22/2018

Ok, so he said "illegal".....


Posted 3:15 pm, 02/22/2018


Fins never said it was illegal. He said conflict of interest.

Now, with a sitting county commissioner voting to add an excellent severance package to the county manager's contract, and then within months getting a county job, combined with the texts between Rose, Roark and Yearick in regards to hiring Roark quickly before other people applied, it is clearly obvious that these actions were at least unethical. Now, as a voter, I will exercise my constitutional right to vote every one of these individuals out of their positons, as well as support any law enforcement investigations into their behavior.

As far as Buchanan. No he was never convicted, but he was indicted. And he chose to take the plea deal and walk...why? Although the records request itself was not properly presented to the SO directly, the other charges related to his behavior still occurred, making his actions likely illegal and definitely unethical, as well as the firing/demotions/resignations from the SO. And poor ethics did him in more than anything else.

proud native

Posted 2:57 pm, 02/22/2018

Fins, quit lying. Roark’s appoint WAS NOT ILLEGAL. The UNC School of Government was consulted, and just like Sands and Rose both working for local govt entities and on the Board...IT ISNT ILLEGAL.


Posted 1:17 pm, 02/22/2018

Sounds like what I heard. I do remember hearing about her putting in a sex offender in as trustee before he went to court. Doesn't sound like a very bright individual in my opinion.

CaptainMidnight (view profile)

Posted 11:14 am, 02/22/2018

It was a minor technicality & sheer luck that Buchanan got the charges dismissed. Numerous civil suits are pending against his administration and the County.

I'm concerned about what I now hear going on in the jail. A jailer said the toothless one was lazy, loud & had a nasty mouth. Said she was a sloppy chain smoker & didn't even dress appropriate for her $52k+ role. Said she was also gullible & fell for anything regardless of its legitimacy...


Posted 12:50 pm, 02/22/2018

Pork Chop, either you are a liar or your source is a liar. But it was the judge that said Roark Was in a conflict of interest. If you can’t see what Roark did was illegal, you are even dumber than I thought. Even with the couple of people I did find that thought Bufurt deserved a chance to try to do the job were mad as **** over Roark getting a county job.


Posted 12:50 pm, 02/22/2018

DA threatened Roark to resign as commissioner. Sad state for DA. No one came out of this mess looking good. With sands Rhodes and McNeil, it’s the good old boys in charge again.

jack rip her

Posted 11:59 am, 02/22/2018

proud native (view profile)

Posted 11:41 am, 02/22/2018

No finny the DA told Roark to resign by threatening him.

If thats true porky why didnt perry, rose and yearick cave in?

proud native

Posted 11:44 am, 02/22/2018

Turn it anyway you want finny and then try to make me the bad guy
The lynch mob strikes again

proud native

Posted 11:42 am, 02/22/2018

And that’s why toothless was let go before ... must be a Bucky’s girl

proud native

Posted 11:41 am, 02/22/2018

No finny the DA told Roark to resign by threatening him.


Posted 11:14 am, 02/22/2018

It was a minor technicality & sheer luck that Buchanan got the charges dismissed. Numerous civil suits are pending against his administration and the County.

I'm concerned about what I now hear going on in the jail. A jailer said the toothless one was lazy, loud & had a nasty mouth. Said she was a sloppy chain smoker & didn't even dress appropriate for her $52k+ role. Said she was also gullible & fell for anything regardless of its legitimacy...


Posted 9:55 am, 02/22/2018

Pork Chop, Buchanan’s charges had nothing to do with the corruption. So stop trying to twist the two together. Buchanan’s charges were for refusing to release public information and harassing county employees trying to fulfill that request. And tell it like it really happened. There was a settlement. Not a straight up dismissal. If the judge hadn’t found zero evidence, the case would have been dismissed and Buchanan would still be sheriff.

Rose wasn’t charged for the corruption and collusion. Neither was Roark. But you forget that the judge told Roark to resign from one of his jobs. That alone proves once again you are lying.

jack rip her

Posted 9:54 am, 02/22/2018

Only Ricky and bufurt were dropped from the suit. Try and keep up liar.

proud native

Posted 9:48 am, 02/22/2018

Mr Weinstein WBTV screwed up their records request so the lawsuit was dropped and they haven’t reapplied after the judge reviewed the records and said there was nothing there!
And Mr Oschner has moved on from this non story
He won’t waste any more of his time

jack rip her

Posted 9:38 am, 02/22/2018

Porky the most ****ing evidence was telling Yearick to hurry up and hire Roark before the public started sending applications. Are you not concerned with the reason the county has not complied with the records request? What is Yearick hiding?

proud native

Posted 9:29 am, 02/22/2018

Oh finny just keep shouting into the wind
The judge reviewed all of the documents and found ... NOTHING
Just because you didn’t like what happened doesn’t make it wrong
You are stirring all this up on some personal power trip
Get off your high horse Napoleon


Posted 9:13 am, 02/22/2018

Stupid, just because a legal vote was held doesn’t mean the collusion and conspiring before hand didn’t take place. Rose’s own text messages proved he had been illegally discussing public business outside of official meetings with Roark and Perry. They also proved that Roark was given a county job to go along with the way Rose wanted it.

Yep, plenty of corruption. Just the fact that Roark got a county job proves corruption. Roark should do the county a favor and leave an apology in his suicide note.

proud native

Posted 9:06 am, 02/22/2018

Listen people- there is no “corruption”
A legal vote was taken.. period

Y’all just didn’t like the results so you fabricated this whole case
You brought in WBTV who has made the county look like a bunch of hillbilly idiots
You brought in the SBI who felt like they wasted their time investigating a non-case
And you’ve stirred up hate and discontent for your own petty pleasure

The lynch mob is a sad representation of who and what Ashe County is.

proud native

Posted 9:01 am, 02/22/2018

Wow mr Weinstein you accuse me of labeling people?
Really? That is rich. Geez

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