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Middle School


Posted 4:47 pm, 01/29/2016

I agree Joe - the combination of all the elementary schools were in fact "sold" on the demographic information the school board presented indicating that the number of students at the elementary would decline in future years - guess they missed that one. My opinion would be to leave the middle school as just 7th and 8th grade. When my son was in middle school a few years ago it was rife with bullying, popularity p***ing contests and was not conducive to learning. Exposing 6th graders to this kind of environment is doing them a disservice that could affect them later in life.

Joseph T.

Posted 5:28 pm, 01/28/2016


Posted 12:34 pm, 01/28/2016

I know, it was an interesting read. I guess if I wanted to make a point it would be that we are building a school and focusing on the convenience for the parents, teachers, and county rather than designing a school that will enhance the education of the students.

If we are going to make this investment, we need to get it right. I would hope the school board would be prepared to present an evidence based reason why it needs to be 6-8, 7-8, or 7-9. Design it student centered to make sure we get the most out of our investment.
Get it right now that's funny since they combined Fleetwood and WJ in to West Wood and before the school even opened they had to add on because it was too small. Its funny that the two school buildings are in good enough shape to still be used but we had to have a new school building.


Posted 2:53 pm, 01/28/2016

Lets lay all jokes aside here. The school system and board should be extremely proud of the accomplishments of Laura Bentley. I am sure there are more with her talents.


Posted 2:42 pm, 01/28/2016

Got to keep raising those star athletes that will never play college ball


Posted 12:41 pm, 01/28/2016

...but I am sure the Gym and Sports fields will be top notch.


Posted 12:34 pm, 01/28/2016

I know, it was an interesting read. I guess if I wanted to make a point it would be that we are building a school and focusing on the convenience for the parents, teachers, and county rather than designing a school that will enhance the education of the students.

If we are going to make this investment, we need to get it right. I would hope the school board would be prepared to present an evidence based reason why it needs to be 6-8, 7-8, or 7-9. Design it student centered to make sure we get the most out of our investment.


Posted 12:19 pm, 01/28/2016

Heels, a lot of counties have kept their middle school programs in their elementary schools. Typically they put 6-8 in their own wing or section to created a semi seperated feel for the kids but without shock of throwing 6th graders into a high school sized environment.


Posted 10:53 am, 01/28/2016

Not to belabor the point, but a system that only serves the middle school, doesn't do anything for the surrounding area, doesn't encourage any economic development, and doesn't allow for the development of multi-family housing.

While a package plant of sorts would be more expensive, it would allow more development in the area of the school. They other method is just a school planted in a old farm field with no additional benefit to the community.

What works for just a middle school, and what works for the large community are two different things. Maybe what WJ really needs is a new WWTP location ;)


Posted 6:43 pm, 01/27/2016

Looks like engineer trumps pencil pusher again


Posted 4:44 pm, 01/27/2016

Ocm, I am a plumber because I know the three things it takes to be one. Hot is on the left, cold is on the right, and crap dont run up hill.


Posted 3:08 pm, 01/27/2016

OCM - I accept your apology.


Posted 1:22 pm, 01/27/2016

Actually point you got me thinking about the aerobic versus anaerobic digestion and I had assumed the the WJ Plant was anerobic, but as you indicate it's aerobic digestion. I don't know how to mix the two without a holding basin and given the space limitations of the area, such a basin may be impractical


Posted 1:10 pm, 01/27/2016

Nothing like a CE to push the cheapest upfront solution that serves the least people and has the least capacity for expansion. Point I fought your ultra-utilitarian ilk from State College for half a lifetime. A simple pre-treatment program can address all your technical concerns.

The last time I had to deal directly with WWT CEs was after I discovered that they had sized a 20 million gallon Greenleaf filter 5 million gallons too small by making flow calculations based on the exterior or the concrete, not the volume of the 4 cells.

There's a lot of power in being able to push a pencil and to use it for math. :)


Posted 12:10 pm, 01/27/2016

The lift station concept is not practical. The flow would be erratic, causing huge fluctuations in flow and loading on the wastewater plant. On weekends and summer, the non moving wastewater in the line will go septic. When flow returns, the septic wastewater in the line will reek havoc on the municipal wastewater plant.....both with a huge BOD demand and problems with filamentous growth already formed in the low/no dissolved oxygen conditions in the pipe. And, the costs of running pipe to the municipal wastewater plant are nearly the same for a small line as a larger one. It is fairly easy to see OCM was a pencil pusher and not an engineer. Writing grants is certainly an art. But that does not make an engineer. I could design and install a wastewater treatment facility for that middle school with no discharge to the river. And probably do so cheaper than the lift station alone would cost.


Posted 10:48 pm, 01/26/2016

Raleigh wants to eliminate point sources. The USDA wants to eliminate point sources. In this case it's easy and can be done fairly cheaply. A new public building needs to be designed to serve the public for more than just a school. It has to double as a shelter at the very least. To do otherwise is negligence.

I used to write these grant and loan proposals - it's about finding poor people on septic tanks and coupling that with building a new public building or siting an new employer.

It doesn't take a huge lift station to serve a school. The trick is proper design for the future. That means a deep hole with a false floor half to a third of the way down. Imagine a cylinder 25 feet deep and 8 feet in diameter. If you start with something that big the effluent will go septic before it;s pumped out, so you install a concrete false bottom that can be knocked out later and you install three impeller pump rails but start out using just one. Instead of one big line back to town, you install two smaller lines and use just one until you need the other. The second line can also be just an empty sleave.


Posted 10:34 pm, 01/26/2016

I think OCMs point is that just because something was approved 20 years ago, the fact we never acted upon it and with changes in laws etc it is unlikely Raleigh today would agree to what they agreed to years ago.


Posted 8:21 am, 01/24/2016

OCM - justification for a point source for Warrensville has Already been made, and acknowledged by Raleigh. And, plans for a low pressure non discharge facility has been on the drawing board for years.


Posted 8:24 pm, 01/23/2016

You can't justify another point source discharge in Warrensville when the WJ plant is so close. If I were in Raleigh, I would not give it a permit, I would force a lift station that pumps from Warrensville to another lift station in Smethport that pumps to WJ.

NCDOT is not the one to ask for the road improvement, it is political leaders who need to be held accountable for said improvement, however, there may be a reason nothing is done.

For much of the length of the creek's run along 88 to Warrensville, the south side has been reinforced and built up over the years with junked cars, mobile homes, and other trash. You have lead batteries, all sorts of metals, and probably a number of skeletons along the south bank. It makes expansion a risk to become something that is open ended in cost. The county can pay to widen the road, folks forget that and put the blame on DOT.

If a county is unwilling to pave it's garbage dumps, why would they widen the one road that would benefit nearly everyone in the NW part of the county?


Posted 12:27 pm, 01/23/2016

Water and sewer might be the excuse they use, but it won't fly with me. Exception was made in the designation of outstanding resource waters for the North Fork to allow for Warrensville to be permitted a direct discharge permit. Actually, if anyone in county government had an ounce of planning sense, this little known opening could be exploited to the benefit of Warrensville, the county, and the BOE.

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