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Posted 10:20 pm, 12/30/2019

I don't care about black, white or red or purple people colored skin. Obama was so much more a moderate and centrist within the dems, I've said I didn't love all of his efforts and policies but he was a steady force to help prop up the US banks during the worst recession in decades. He guided us through in a thoughtful dignified rational solution without major trauma. Plus I give him a grade B+ in his innovative & progressive healthcare reforms. He's not perfect but he tried to make all of our lives better through lower cost healthcare and large group plans that would include healthy and ill.. Obama made a step in he right direction but not enough to ensure coverage for all. Bernie will bust his *** to get it done!


Posted 7:55 pm, 12/30/2019

Good leader? Really? Just what did he do that was so good? If he wasn't black, history would forget him.


Posted 7:52 pm, 12/30/2019

Jack, what did Obama do to offend you? He truly was a good leader and a smart classy guy. Don't love him but I think he was far better than trump is.

jack rip her

Posted 7:23 pm, 12/30/2019

No he wasn't and far from it. What is that drug girly?


Posted 7:19 pm, 12/30/2019

As I've said - I'm not a great Obama fan but at least he was a classy intelligent guy without scandalous behavior - unlike trump.

jack rip her

Posted 6:10 pm, 12/30/2019

You helped put obama in office and you are now suffering the consequences. Tell me what drug you are taking. Have you checked Canada, Europe, and other countries for the drug? This is where bernie and the other socialists have brain washed you, just because you now can get the drug for 1200 bucks doesn't mean the government will allow you to have it under your universal health care. You will likely be forced to take something less expensive.


Posted 3:59 pm, 12/30/2019

And btw, I am not a firm democrat. I have voted for republicans in the past (locally a lot, nationally not as much but some). I'm not a person who is "brainwashed". I'm open to voting for any candidate who has a reasonable, humanist approach. That's just not trump.


Posted 3:50 pm, 12/30/2019

Jack - I have a pre existing condition that requires (needlessly) expensive medication. I've navigated the waters through the years that have led me to $1200/monthly health insurance. I've stayed at jobs I didn't want to be at only because I didn't want to lose my health coverage. ****, I married a man when I was much younger just because it was the ONLY way for me to get coverage. Remove these barriers and see the economy zoom - who wants to make a job decision based on affordable healthcare? Nobody. You guys are all about the market deciding things, THIS is a problem with the free market economy.

I'm personally screwed unless universal healthcare for all gets passed at some point in the next decade. Seriously, I am in good financial shape but I honestly feel for the people who aren't and who have grave health problems. Everyone should be able to see a doctor if they are sick without it bankrupting them. No?

jack rip her

Posted 3:33 pm, 12/30/2019

Girly we wont be giving Bernie a chance because we wont be voting on your democrat side of the ticket. So you as a democrat will be giving him a vote not a chance. You think obama care is screwed up let bernie try and get his socialized medicine through and watch doctors disappear by the hundreds of thousands. I dont need bernie making medical decisions for me but rather my doctor making them.

Private health insurance still exists with limitations. Pre existing conditions was only done for those that never had insurance get on obama care. Most never did and the rest quit after the first year or two. So that just was a feel good move by the democrats.


Posted 3:28 pm, 12/30/2019

Please tell me fins, where do you get your information? Fox?

I am fortunate enough to have ample time for reading every single day of my life and believe me, I use that time well. I read The Economist every week that it comes out and it's fact based, not a spin one way or the other. I AM open minded. I trust Bernie way more than trump based on their individual records...sorry if that offends you. Obviously Bernie doesn't have a chance in **** of being elected so the ignorant low information voting masses will once again prevail & re-elect trump only to be screwed over by his ridiculous policies and priorities.

I expect we will always disagree but at least I am open to a new way of doing things.


Posted 3:15 pm, 12/30/2019

The problem is what you see is the inside of your ***. Because you clearly haven't researched the details.


Posted 2:54 pm, 12/30/2019

I just plainly pointed out that I have given the man a chance and have concluded over time that he isn't up to the task of leading our country...especially with healthcare. I call-'em like I see 'em - same as you. My opinions are well informed and not based on anything like what you're describing.


Posted 2:47 pm, 12/30/2019

You clearly haven't given Trump a shot and you clearly haven't bothered to even try to find out what he's done. You've only reacted to sound bites and 30sec flips the media plays. But thanks for trying to pretend that you are open minded.


Posted 2:22 pm, 12/30/2019

Yeah, what heels said...

I'm not biased against republicans, just trump specifically and I wasn't biased against him in the beginning. Give the guy a shot, let's see what he does. I'm not impressed and I don't think he has any idea how to fix healthcare. I'm not a big fan of Obama or Obama care either but it was at least a start in the right direction (although in my opinion didn't go far and fast enough). We need a single payer system like years ago!

I get tired of seeing donation jars in local stores for people who've suffered some health disaster that is threatening to wipe them out. That is sad.


Posted 1:43 pm, 12/30/2019

Jack, while I will agree that Obamacare is gong to finally collapse(Not completely as everyone thinks) and was extremely flawed legislation. Republicans have not tried to fix it. That was why it was never repealed, their own party could not agree on the replacement. John Boehner said in 2017 the republican party had no solutions to healthcare and that since his retirement it had become worse. They had opportunity then and failed all on their own. Remember it was McCain that cast the deciding vote not a democrat.

Obamacare will leave a lasting impact on healthcare. The changes in insurance are here to stay...Preexisting conditions, kids can stay on parents policy, certain screenings are free, etc. Also, Medicaid expansion is not going away and will slowly be approved by more states.


Posted 1:23 pm, 12/30/2019

If you better dig deeper into some of those pacs that have paid for Bernie ads


Posted 1:22 pm, 12/30/2019

Trump made the same pledge. He didn't take money from them either. But you've just assumed he has because you are biased against republicans.

jack rip her

Posted 1:06 pm, 12/30/2019

What has who he takes money from got to do with him failing the American people on multiple fronts with health care? You have to be walking around with pure blinders on being brain washed like a baptist preacher does his flock.


Posted 12:52 pm, 12/30/2019

Bernie has pledged that he will not take donations from health insurance or big pharmaceutical companies...part of the reason I will vote for him.

jack rip her

Posted 12:44 pm, 12/30/2019

Girly the democrats ran the last election on the promise they would fix health care. Trump and the republicans tried to fix it but your democrats blocked that playing politics instead of looking after Americans and their insurance ruined by democrats and Obama. The republicans are waiting on obama care to collapse on the democrats and its well on its way. Bernie and the democrats could tell you the world is flat and you will believe it you are so brain washed.

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