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Phil Howell for Sheriff what a joke.

jack rip her

Posted 6:26 pm, 01/11/2018

You need to look up what a drunkard is pork chop. That would not apply to either of us. I cant help you are so ugly and wrinkled you cant get any sexual attention. You may try a paper bag over your head. Make that two you're a double bagger.

Go do some homework porky as Joseph is correct. Barneys dont make the top 10 in dangerous jobs.

Joseph T.

Posted 5:42 pm, 01/11/2018

Like I said those stats come from the Depth. of labor and are based on the number of reported injuries or death. If you think a cops job is more dangerous than a logger of farmer you clearly have no idea what dangerous work is. By the way which cop or cops family member are you?

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 5:26 pm, 01/11/2018

I’m also pretty certain that the elected Sheriff is not required to attend the mandatory annual in-service training and can carry any firearm they wish without qualifying with it.


Posted 5:25 pm, 01/11/2018

I would vote for Howell over Buchanan in a heartbeat...... and I wouldn't be surprised to see Buchanan file to run in Feb. if he isn't convicted of a felony by then.


Posted 5:12 pm, 01/11/2018

LEO, that completely makes sense, and it’s how I assumed originally that the law would be. But I’ve had multiple former LEOs tell me that’s why the said sheriff didn’t carry a gun. I also believe that Buchanan stood in front of the commissioners and made the same statement when his qualifications were questioned. Thanks though, I assumed those individuals knew what they were talking about since they were on the job and hadn’t bothered to look it up


Posted 4:42 pm, 01/11/2018

Jack you can say what you want.. you and fins are drunkards, sex offenders, and idiots

And Joseph you obviously don’t know squat! Until you put the uniform on and do the job you need to shut up and sit down

And billy you are in the same boat as Joseph. Just because the crime here is less than Charlotte doesn’t make it less important. Do you want someone to answer that call when you need them?

Y’all need to call the **** down


Posted 4:19 pm, 01/11/2018

Day in the life of an Ashe County cop consists of waking up, cruising around in your ride, maybe parking somewhere for a few hours, eating lunch at Shokudo or Hillbilly Grill, then driving around some more, back to the parking lot, then home or Hardee’s for dinner. Real hard life. Want respect as an LEO? Go to Charlotte or Atlanta, or Chicago. ACSO causes more trouble and crime than the actual criminals.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 4:09 pm, 01/11/2018

Your below statement is completely wrong;
It’s also why Ashe had a sheriff that couldn’t carry a gun in the line of duty. He never got the LEO cert.

As the elected Sheriff he was considered a law enforcement officer with full powers of arrest and as such was allowed under NC 14-269 to carry a concealed firearm while both on duty in his official capacity and off duty as well; now if he choose not to carry he would have been allowed to under the law.

Joseph T.

Posted 3:45 pm, 01/11/2018

Neẃin being a cop doesn't even make the top ten most dangerous jobs according to the Dol. Your local trash collector, roofer, construction worker, do however make the top ten.

jack rip her

Posted 3:13 pm, 01/11/2018

Pork chop let me straighten you out. Fins is no more a drunk than I am. Sure we drink and we get high at times. I made up the story of fins being in the dry out facility. I did it as a joke to him and to show how you do believe what I say. We both had a good laugh on you.

Fins and I have been friends for years. We dont agree on everything but we do on most. It just kills you that half drunk he knows more then you do cold sober.


Posted 2:41 pm, 01/11/2018

You know nothing about being a cop - that is obvious.
Your sustain is obvious as well.
You are a drunkard and an idiot.


Posted 2:05 pm, 01/11/2018

Too many Barney’s are just itching at the chance to dress up and play cops and robbers and get to pull their guns and throw their power around. They secretly think nothing is going to happen other than maybe they get to thump on some bad guys. Remember, I’ve repeated it time and time again the job isn’t near as dangerous as they like the rest of us to believe. So given this, they get an adrenaline rush and instead of look to diffuse the situation, run around getting excited and create war stories.


Posted 10:52 am, 01/11/2018

Phil does have administrative experience along with a college education. He wouldn't be so bad in an administrative law enforcement role. If he wasn't so wrapped up in Shady. Knew how to take care of neighbors, etc. I would have to say that I think he would have done better than Buchanan. That's not saying much is it?


Posted 9:26 am, 01/11/2018

Fair, if you keep looking you’ll find the job is listed as an administrative position in the state structure. That’s why no LEO cert is required. It’s also why Ashe had a sheriff that couldn’t carry a gun in the line of duty. He never got the LEO cert.

But this is really about the fact that in 2017 the sheriff needs to be an executive, not a beat cop. His duties aren’t even similar to a chief of police. He is the CEO of a small to mid sized corporation with multiple departments including security, food and beverage, hotel management, customer service, and internal administration. His daily role is more inline with a competent country club general manager.

jack rip her

Posted 8:46 am, 01/11/2018

Rose honey why do the facts bother you? You sound just like Pork chop.


Posted 6:44 am, 01/11/2018

pipe down rose, you are just upset that you did not get to cast the first stone.

Rose Price

Posted 6:29 am, 01/11/2018

You all are the biggest bunch of idiots. Hide behind a computer screen and run people down, if you had any backbone at all, the least you could do is come forth and face these individuals in person. Then tell them how you feel. It wouldn't matter who ran for sheriff or any other office, all you all do is try to destroy them on this site. SHUT YOUR BIG MOUTHS AND GIVE PEOPLE A CHANCE TO HELP THE COUNTY.

Joseph T.

Posted 11:51 pm, 01/10/2018

I think the point that he is trying to make is unlike other Leos the sheriff doesn't have to have belt. cert.


Posted 11:08 pm, 01/10/2018

Fins, pretty much the only thing I disagree with, is your continued insistence that the Sheriff is an administrator, and NOT an LEO. While the Sheriff does need to have excellent administrative skills, he is by law the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the County for which he was elected. Both the State Constitution and General Statutes say so. I copied both for you, and put them on this site specifically for you twice before.§ 162-24. Delegation of official duties. The sheriff may not delegate to another person the final responsibility for discharging his official duties, but he may appoint a deputy or employ others to assist him in performing his official duties. (23 Hen. VI, c. 10; R.C., c. 105, s. 21; Code, s. 2084; Rev., s. 2828; C.S., s. 3946; 1983, c. 670, s. 15.)


Posted 9:41 pm, 01/10/2018

Once again you prove you have zero ability to detect if I’m drinking or not.

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