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Quitting smoking


Posted 3:03 pm, 01/08/2020

Roll over and smoke a ham


Posted 1:26 pm, 01/08/2020

Thanks so much pappy for your wise words and kind encouragement. You've got some metta in you - I can see it! I don't do TM (vipassana is my thing) but you're right that it should be helping me. I've been lazy in my practice lately and I am going to step it up.


Posted 5:39 pm, 01/07/2020

No, it's not an easy thing to do. Yes, I've been there. You can't 'try' to quit smoking. You have to just do it. "Try'' implies failure right off the bat. Considering all your other stated accomplishments you wouldn't let yourself be defeated by a wad to tobacco rolled up in some thin paper would you? Isn't TM supposed to help with things like that?


Posted 10:16 am, 01/07/2020

No, not better - I am feeling defeated and just plain bad about it. I wish it was an easier thing to do. After Jamaica, I am gonna try again.

jack rip her

Posted 6:16 am, 01/07/2020

There, now anit that better. Its just like that first drink of the day, the very best one.


Posted 10:43 pm, 01/06/2020

Ok, I do admit when I do wrong things and today I bought a pack of cigs and smoked a whole bunch of them. My plans to quit are not derailed completely - just postponed till I get back from Jamaica.

I had a VERY stressful day with a visit to the ER for someone I love...we spent hours there and I just couldn't do it without a ciggy. I was so worried about my loved one & even though it looks like they will recover without further complications, I still feel shaken by a sudden downturn in their health,. **** if nicotine doesn't have its hooks in you!


Posted 7:22 pm, 01/05/2020

Thanks jack but no thanks... I am hanging in but I must admit it hasn't been fun.

I worry about weight gain because last time I quit food started tasting better and I gained a few pounds. I'm thin now but I don't want to get fat.... I just bought a bunch of new clothes to wear on my Jamaica vacation and they are all size 8's

jack rip her

Posted 6:36 pm, 01/05/2020

Jefferson food lion or bust. I have paid for you a pack of Marlboros so go get them and light up.


Posted 12:37 pm, 01/05/2020

Oh and I still haven't had a cig..24 hours and counting!


Posted 12:36 pm, 01/05/2020

Fins, what kind of music do you like? Perhaps you can tell us something insightful about yourself instead of throwing cold water on everything I say here.


Posted 12:32 pm, 01/05/2020

That's very observant of you to think that Mozart's work was genius. Most people have always just rated him as so so.


Posted 11:34 am, 01/05/2020

Pappy - I am so pleased to know you enjoy Mozart too. Everything he wrote for piano is genius in my opinion. Do you play? Also thanks very much for the kind words and encouragement!

Fins, the vaping is just temporary so I can transition from smoking cigs to nothing. I know it's not good for me but I just can't do the cold turkey quit. I'm vaping a fairly high nicotine liquid now but will go down steadily in percentage until I am at zero. Then no more vaping. I expect it will take a few weeks.

Jack - you're not exactly being supportive or encouraging there buddy, but you do make me laugh.


Posted 10:21 am, 01/05/2020

Stanford found that vaping increased the chance of heart attack even if there was nicotine in the liquid. Early conclusions are vaping is more dangerous than smoking


Posted 8:15 am, 01/05/2020

"....I've found working on the Turkish March by Mozart is the best way to quit..."

I have a recording of Arthur Rubenstein performing Mozart's Sonata #11. If nothing else, playing that 3rd movement will certainly keep your hands busy. Allow me to wish you good luck in both endeavors.


Posted 7:23 am, 01/05/2020

There is a bunch of tobacco settlement money chasing a solution. Call 800 quit now and tap into the tobacco money settlement with some tele-counseling.

jack rip her

Posted 6:39 am, 01/05/2020

It takes 72 hours to get past the real urges to smoke. No use to suffer, get up and light one off. That first inhale is the best aint it?


Posted 12:24 am, 01/05/2020

Keep killing yourself then.


Posted 11:37 pm, 01/04/2020

Nah, fins - I have tried the patch before & for me the Juul Is better. Vaping helps me way more than the patch because it always keeps my hands & my mouth busy.

I have also discovered that playing piano helps a lot ...I've found working on the Turkish March by Mozart is the best way to quit. I've wanted to learn that piece forever - it is challenging. I spent 8 years learning classical music with a great teacher. So Juul and Mozart = my plan to quit.


Posted 10:57 pm, 01/04/2020

Go get the patch. Juul is probably as bad as smoking.


Posted 10:22 pm, 01/04/2020

Yeah, Tabs, me too (laughing). I've resisted & haven't gone to Jefferson to that very convenient drive in smoke & gas shop across from McDonalds to get myself a pack - though I have been VERY tempted.

I have smoked only one single cig today (with my coffee this morning) and so now that I am going to bed after almost 24 hours in, I am feeling more confident and strong . I am starting to feel like I can do this.

Tomorrow morning's cup of coffee will be challenging without an accompanying smoke. The meals that I eat tomorrow will still feel ,like I need a smoke afterwards. For the next few days it's going to be tough with no cig afterwards ò

And the after sex smoke? I'll be hating that too. Those are the big three: coffee, post meals and after ses,,all

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