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Green Arrow

Posted 2:12 pm, 01/16/2022

But for a deadbeat I can do thi gs most people can't. I can wire a house and breaker box for electricity. My Dad always said a ything someones else could do a lot of he could do a little of. He raisedme the same way. I never asked anyone to do something I would not do. I can build. I can do some auto repairs, etc etc etc..

Green Arrow

Posted 2:08 pm, 01/16/2022

Fins, I have never been a deadbeat at a ything. Just ask a former neighbors on the Mulatto. At least I am not a drunk that lives to put down others. That is all it seems Jason wants here.


Posted 1:31 pm, 01/16/2022

I figured you to be a man (using that term very loosely) working on your Barbie dream house in your spare time there Snot. I am surprised you found the time to sit down and take a break from your anti-deadbeat existence. Your licker must be very soothing to them hard working calloused hands a feller like you surely has.


Posted 1:10 pm, 01/16/2022

So krazy, you admit you are the deadbeat of the family. Now we are making progress.

Think I'll pour another Blantons and watch it snow.

Green Arrow

Posted 11:51 am, 01/16/2022

I also carried on of the local Christmas tree farmers frasier roping myself for years going through a two ton truck load of frasier boughs a week. If you call dragging firewood by hand, canning foid you grew yourself and canning it, or going out to a bean field to pick and can beans someone gave you, not work tgen you are,an . I raised four kids, kept them fed and clothed for years Abd I am damb proud of how they turned out. Most of my life I have worked like a **** dog and I don't have to excuse myself to you for no longer being able to do it.

Green Arrow

Posted 11:43 am, 01/16/2022

Dog I would not bet on delivery of anything Tuesday or Wednesday for that matter. Why would I wish to raise anything for booze when I can raise it for food??it definitely amused me you unbiasedopinions of me and my family considering most of my family work. One is a truck driver and has been for years. Withouthim and others like him you woukd notbe seeing your booze. One drives a bus and has done that since age 18. My sister words third shift at the hospital. One of my family works on that new road they are building. One of my sons owns his ownowbusiness. Another works as a mechanic. I consider since both of them are legally blind thry are doing **** well. My daughter and I worked a year at Jefferson apparel, and 10 for Kmart and contrary to your opinion ot was WORK. We literally cleaned up shot after those like you. So don't well put my family down. I have been very patient ip until now but you will not like it if I lose my temper. Opinions as they say are like ****s everyone has one but you, find,and goat breath ate just yhe whole **** and then some. Congratulations for being thebihgest imbecils this site is still plagued with. If Jason wants this site to survive past this summer he had better start cleaning house


Posted 10:02 am, 01/16/2022

See what I mean about the lickers. It sounds like your mailman is about the same social level as you Chuck. You and him probably rule the Bottom Feeders of America club same as you rule this site. Don't let anybody tell you any different.


Posted 9:09 am, 01/16/2022

Krazy anyone that is close to you has every right to be a drunk. The only reason you and your bunch dont drink is you are too lazy to make your own and cant afford store liquor like Fins and I can.

Since the store is closed Monday my mailman went by for a order and will deliver to the dog Tuesday. Its nice living the high life krazy.


Posted 7:57 am, 01/16/2022

Charlie and Snot have a real hard time holding their lickers too.

Green Arrow

Posted 7:37 am, 01/16/2022

Fins I don't gind it necessary to drown my brain in alcohol. I lived with a sloppy drunk long enough when I was married. Now there was a man who could not hold his licker. Funnies thing I ever heard was the night he got drunk with my dad. He got to carrying on and my Mom told him to get to bed and shut up and he did. My dad was funny when he drank on the rare occasions when he did. But he was never sloppy about it.


Posted 8:37 pm, 01/15/2022

Whatever you say fellers.


Posted 8:32 pm, 01/15/2022

Backwash, youre only here because I have allowed you to stay


Posted 8:29 pm, 01/15/2022

Pick up concubines.


Posted 8:17 pm, 01/15/2022

Nah I'm just here to help the GoAshe feller keep his site running. I haven't figured out why you keep coming back though. What is your motive Charlie?


Posted 7:59 pm, 01/15/2022

Looks like you may be drinking rubbing alcohol back door. Do you just talk to hear your head roar? Let me know if you hear voices and you answer them.


Posted 7:47 pm, 01/15/2022

That is a Long shot, Snot, and maybe a Little presumptive but you might be getting some better at treading your dots. It's hard to tell yet. But one thing is for sure, them dam vocab sentences didn't do anybody no good.


Posted 4:50 pm, 01/15/2022

Backwash, krazy has never drank with anyone that showers more than once a week. And even they are a bit high brow for her standards.


Posted 3:51 pm, 01/15/2022

That is just a big old Crocker your talking today Charlie. Hope you get better soon.


Posted 3:38 pm, 01/15/2022

Back door you and krazy are just lowly members of society while fins and I reside on the upper class of society. Yes krazy we earned the right to look down our noses at people like you and back door.

Fins and I often traveled out of state to drink and meet with our friends within the administration of the kmart organization. We also have good friends with ford motor company providing chassis to aev. So you see we dont waste our time with the peasant's.

Green Arrow

Posted 2:30 pm, 01/15/2022

Dog I doubt you would drink or talk to lowly retailworkers. You are too busy sticking your nose in the air and looking down on them. I haven't drank anything alcoholic since the day they buried my parents. Had a nice glass of bourbon that day and none since. Mever was abog drinker like you and Fins.Better be careful sticking your nose in the air since you might suffocate in this upcoming snow.

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