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Time for a CHANGE Ashe Football Coach


Posted 4:38 pm, 08/30/2017

It is just a game!!! That would still be my thoughts. If it were my child and they felt they were being wronged, I would tell them to make a choice. Either keep playing or quit. It doesn't matter either way. Like Afic said most of the kids in this county aren't going to play in college and they darn sure aren't going pro.


Posted 12:44 pm, 08/30/2017

If football went away completely the only people that would be sad are a few egotistical parents.


Posted 12:32 pm, 08/30/2017

Fed Up,
Back to football, I seriously doubt you will see any major changes in coaching. I don't believe Ashe has ever fired a head coach. They have either left for another school or retired. Unfortunately, the hiring pool isn't like college. There isn't a bunch of tape to prove a good candidate, usually it ends up being someone an AD is familiar with. Again, I'm not supporting the firing of the coach. I never want to see an individual or his family affected by a sport. But, I do hope he can transform the football culture in the county and give these boys something to work for.


Posted 5:44 pm, 08/29/2017

What does the kids are not that unrealistic even mean? That makes no sense at all. You want to try again?

Fed Up in Ashe

Posted 5:33 pm, 08/29/2017

A's and B's, but mostly A's, so..... and with a college future. What are people trying to say here? Kids are stupid because they play football?

jack rip her

Posted 4:59 pm, 08/29/2017

What are these good grades?

Fed Up in Ashe

Posted 4:53 pm, 08/29/2017

The kids are not that unrealistic. Not the ones I've talked to. Plus, they have good grades.


Posted 4:48 pm, 08/29/2017

Do your kid a favor and tell him he truth. He won't play colleg ball and sure as heck won't play NFL. Tell him to find an interest that will be beneficial to him later in life.

Fed Up in Ashe

Posted 4:11 pm, 08/29/2017

I agree U35.

To everyone else:
Also, if it were your kid out there and it was volleyball, golf, basketball or any other sport, you might feel different. If your kid and yourself were treated this way, I bet you would have more to say. If you saw your kid's coach setting them up for failure and damaging their self esteem, you might think different, even if they were trying hard, great kid and an asset to the team.

All kids gravitate towards different things of interest. Some books, others games, academics and other sports. Football to us is a self esteem, team and relationship builder, and something to feel part of that you enjoy for yourself and as a community. It may not mean anything to you, but success at this age means the world to these kids, now and in the future. Making sure they have the right leader is key.


Posted 12:35 pm, 08/29/2017

That's way too much concern put into high school football


Posted 12:15 pm, 08/29/2017

Though I would agree with the sentiment kids may not be as tough. The coach is not a tool in high school football. He establishes the culture of the team. If preseason weightlifting is not mandatory then kids have no reason to not go to movies or do otherwise. Ashe football has a culture problem and the coach is not the cause but he has not been a solution either. He also is the determining factor in offensive and defensive schemes and that has been terrible as of late. Under Coach Bill Strong, the school ran a spread offense that was mildly successful but did not play to this areas strength. This area lacks speed, but has at times had size. We have abandoned the old I formation and power runs that would better suit our boys in Ashe. I believe I heard Ashe ran the ball 4 times on Friday night, it may be an exaggeration but probably not far off. It sounds like there isn't a defensive scheme for this team as the team has already given up 100 points this season. I'm not calling for the coaches ouster. But, it ultimately falls on him to run this team.


Posted 11:42 am, 08/27/2017

The demographics and geography are a lot different. Kids that live "up Big Horse Creek" or three top don't have the same opportunity as the kids at Jefferson landing.

When I grew up we had work to do after school. Playing games was for city kids who had parents that worked in stores in town.

The kids today in West Caldwell come from an area about the fifth of the size of Ashe Counry.


Posted 11:29 am, 08/27/2017

Not that it matters, but Ashe has more students than West Caldwell . 950-900 Watauga has about 400 more students , probably should have stayed a 4a school.


Posted 10:06 am, 08/27/2017

I scored once in the back of the activity bus with a cheerleader.


Posted 11:00 pm, 08/26/2017

"I scored four touchdowns in a single game....." attributed to Al Bundy......


Posted 5:20 pm, 08/26/2017

Then hey can sit around for the rest of their lives and talk about their high school football careers


Posted 4:19 pm, 08/26/2017

Kids are soft today. To many games,cell phones, 13 yearold girlfriends, no character, no respect for their school or coach's. The coach is only a tool, the players are who makes it happen. Their either winners or losers. You cant teach character or passion of a sport, the players either want to win or they settle for loss. I would agree that Hampton needs to get back to the basics, but the players need to find that grit in thier **** and get in the gym and play like winners, or they can always be losers and party every weekend like the rest of the losers in their conference. Choices are made to teach us character, to be winners no matter who coaches.


Posted 11:24 am, 08/26/2017

How bout you worry about your kid learning to read at his actual grade level instead of being concerned about how a children's game that no one will remember in six months went. Reading is for life. Football is just for Friday night.


Posted 8:45 am, 08/26/2017

While starting to apply heat to the Hampton seat. At this time is OK, a new coach at this point in the season is rediculous barring criminal activity. If what the OP says is true, gather your facts, not rumor or second hand statements and present them to the Athletic Director at the end of the season. If you have strong facts having the booster group behind you will not hurt your case. At the high school level, not every kid is going to play, the most talented kid might not play if they are a disruption to the team, hard lessons to learn but valuable.


Posted 8:35 am, 08/26/2017

This has been going on since I was in high school. That was when we had 3 high schools in Ashe. It isn't something new. Every year a little Johnny's parent/parents start whining. It is just a game!

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