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Posted 5:13 pm, 11/02/2020

Why weren't you impotent fan boys in Hickory, helping Il Duce hold down that flapping flag? Like, if Bruce Springsteen came to Hickory, I'd go. But your living god pops in 2 miles down the road -again- total failure to launch out of your discount recliner chairs.

If he can't even run a rally, And he ran the easiest political play (an epidemic) straight into the ground, he will be whining hard in about 28 hours, threatening to sue, but he's toast.

Like like seeks like, it's great to see total obsolescence here blindly cling to total obsolescence as the ship sinks. Your faith healing embarrassment of a congress person will primaried next time by another crazy nutter and once again, the public will choose a sane, centrist democrat.


Posted 4:00 pm, 11/02/2020

Like I said you can never answer Fin's questions because if he doesn't like what he sees he claims that you didn't answer him, just another Trumpoid dolt.


Posted 3:44 pm, 11/02/2020

fins, you're right that the virus is out of control worldwide now for the most part.

Here in the USA we still don't have the testing capacity, the contract-tracers, etc that might have contained it earlier and limited the spread. Many European countries failed at getting their people out of their pubs so now they're going back to extreme lockdown measures. It's a disaster.

The truth is that covid19 is a hard problem to solve until we get an effective vaccine. Economies will suffer, people will suffer but I trust Biden to manage all of this better than trump (the Worst President in our history as a nation!).


Posted 3:19 pm, 11/02/2020

Homie, you dum coward, he's not right about anything. He didn't answer the question, just as I expected. He blew the question off and couldn't give any specifics that would contain a virus. None of you complainers can come up with a solution. Testing doesn't contain anything. It identifies the cases after they are infected. Your boyfriend proved again he's nothing but a troll. Especially when he tried again to distract the topic with New Zealand. You've both proven my point again.


Posted 2:41 pm, 11/02/2020

henryii- you're completely right!


Posted 2:21 pm, 11/02/2020

Regarding the USA it's too late for 220k+ we've lost already all we can do is mourn for them. If we get rid of Trump we can increase testing and pay attention to the scientists and medical experts instead of relying on wishful thinking "there's going to be a miracle."

As to my reference to New Zealand it consisting of two major and many minor islands had potential problems which the government dealt with preemptively. They did not seal their borders but when they had a minor outbreak they acted swiftly and in a determined manner. If you think being an island is any defense against covid take a look at the UK where they took the Trump approach to the pandemic.
Of course you're going to say I didn't answer your question, but that will be because I didn't say what you wanted to hear.


Posted 1:24 pm, 11/02/2020

I'm going to give you one chance for a real answer. Just what can a president do to contain a virus that none of the rest of the world has been able to contain? And don't say New Zealand or Korea in an attempt to derail the question. Even you know those are extreme anomalies.


Posted 11:07 am, 11/02/2020

What point did I miss Fin? Trump is against testing, have you suddenly turned against your beloved leader?

Of course Trump wants to restrict testing because it highlights what a lousy job he's doing in containing the pandemic.


Posted 10:27 pm, 11/01/2020

This also suggests that the first wave was unstoppable too, contrary to the curmudgeons that want to try to lay it at the feet of politicians.

Have you looked to see what Sweden is doing right now?


Posted 9:57 pm, 11/01/2020

Yes cases are spiking in Italy.

"What's particularly troubling about the return of COVID in Italy is that the country has done everything experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci have been advising. Face masks in public places have been compulsory for months, social distancing is strongly enforced, nightclubs have never reopened, and sporting arenas are at less than a third of capacity. Children who are back at school are regularly tested and strictly social-distanced, and yet, the second wave seems completely unstoppable."

And WHO says Europe is once again the the Covid 19 epicenter of the world.

This is a virus. It will keep spreading until we reach some level of immunity......either naturally or through a vaccine.


Posted 9:02 pm, 11/01/2020

You missed the point, Stipud. Because cases are asymptomatic, many aren't even tested and counted. If those were tested and counted in the numbers, it would drop the mortality rate significantly.

I can't help it that you are incapable of free thinking. That you are incapable of taking in multiple sources and forming an educated decision. That you are just a sheep that can only comprehend the talking points the party tells you to accept.


Posted 8:31 pm, 11/01/2020

Are there two NPR's out there because the one I listen to sure doesn't spew out the crap that you do Fin. And Dog asymptomatic is not a good thing I have recovered from flu twice I sure don't want to try my luck with covid. Every expert in the USA agrees that covid is far more deadly than flu except you Trump and the lapdog yes man Trump just brought on board who isn't even an epidemiologist.

By the way Fin when is this miracle going to end the epidemic, when the check from Mexico arrives to pay for the wall? If you really do listen to NPR you'll know that worldwide the wall and the covid miracle are both considered to be jokes as is our glorious leader.
fyi Typhoid Mary was asymptomatic, it means you can carry and spread a disease while not actually suffering from it.


Posted 7:51 pm, 11/01/2020

Tab, what do you mean about Italy? Are you referring to them spiking also?


Posted 6:44 pm, 11/01/2020

The fact is the china virus is no worse then the flu as a matter of fact its less. Fact asymptomatic persons spread it and there is no such thing as a asymptomatic flu.

Also you little liberal piss ants look up the number of deaths in America each year and tell me how many more we have in 2020. I'm waiting.


Posted 6:29 pm, 11/01/2020

France and Italy?


Posted 6:28 pm, 11/01/2020

Troll, I don't watch Fox News. I prefer NPR when I'm driving. You are one DNC talking point parrot. I expected you to try to bring up South Korea and New Zealand. One is an island with the ability to control all contact immediately. As for the US trying that, I covered that already. re Pelosi and Chinatown.

As for the Uk, you strategically left out France, Germany, and Spain. All who took the actions you've accused Trump of not taking. As always you can't actually dispute my post. You had to try to distract and redirect.


Posted 6:19 pm, 11/01/2020

Fin your last posting was one long tirade of Fox fake news based drivel. As to other countries handling of the pandemic two come immediately to mind: South Korea and New Zealand. South Korea has only recently left its third world status behind and New Zealand's Prime Minister does not have the executive powers available to Trump. The UK however are in just about the same sorry state that we are but then their Prime Minister has same useless mindset as The Chump.

How come in your lengthy rant you didn't find room to mention that Trump said covid was no worse than the flu and the number of times he said it was just a few weeks away from ending? Oh yes, that wasn't on Fox fake News.


Posted 4:48 pm, 11/01/2020

Homie, did you even read that opinion piece? It lists a bunch of rants but doesn't actually list errors or solutions.

1. Trump actually tried to do one of the few things within his powers and shut down Asian travel. You cry babies called him racist. Then pelosi went to China town and actually caused an outbreak. As for telling people the virus would be down to zero cases, of course, he did. He was trying to keep stipud people like you from panicking in the streets and everyone was basing this on former outbreaks like bird flu.

2. Of course they had trouble with testing plans. This was all brand new. There were no tests for it. And even when tests were created, labs were weeks behind. They could only handle so many tests. You can't create lab techs over night.

3. Do you have any clue at all about how our system of government works? It's not the federal government's job to take care of local schools and hospitals. That's the job of states and local governments. That said, did you know we used to have emergency supplies warehoused all over the country in different locations? Democrats decided after the Cold War that those numerous locations were too expensive to maintain and that new items could be manufacturered and shipped cheaper when needed. They didn't understand the emergency part of the plan.

4. What does it matter that hydroxychloriquin was used? The drug isn't dangerous. In fact it's safer than Tylenol. A new disease, why wouldn't you want to try all possibilities? Especially when some doctors claimed to have success with this drug. Unfortunately, because of politics, most real research on the drug was shut down or demonized. The truth is that some doctors had very good success using hydroxychloriquin in conjunction with zinc and antibiotics.

5. The world health organization has also said that the complete shutdowns are the worst thing to do and are killing more people than COVID. You like to praise New York, but you ignore the nursing homes that ***o killed.

6. You still don't want to admit that the articles spreading information about no benefits or even dangers of hydroxychloriquin were politically motivated. The actual facts of the research was often spun and twisted to achieve a politically motivated goal.

7. Again, the World Health Organization is basically pushing the same plan that you and CNN are criticizing. There is no vaccine, and they understand that economic shutdowns are more deadly than this virus. Especially for children and young people. They are now saying how much negative impact there is from shutting schools down. But you don't care. All you want is a false feeling of safety and to think the government is protecting you from your own stipudity.

8. This is not even related to the topic. It's just the author trying to find something to complain about. The president getting treated does not affect the spread of a virus in either a positive or negative way. Especially not 5 months after the problem began. That said, if liberals had ever done anything to actually fix the healthcare system instead of finding ways to make it a government run program, people probably could get the same treatment. But, that's another topic.

9. Again, this is just more crying and whining. It has nothing to do with actually stoping the outbreak of a pandemic.

10. WTF is this even about? So if he goes on tv and says "hey black people, we know you have more COVID. Sorry about that" it will make everything fine and cure them? What is it with you bleeding hearts and empty pointless gestures? Why do you want to waste time and resources on things that only make you feel warm and fuzzy? How is a virus racially injust? While nothing can be done about it overnight, the issue isn't race or social position. It's an issue of education. And it is clear that liberals either don't care about poor uneducated white children, or they don't get out of their ivory towers to see the real world and see that there are poor white people too. This is racist.

11. It's funny, in some ways liberals would make good baptists. Instead of just getting to work and getting stuff done, you want committees on top of committees and constant meetings and plans created. It's really a fear of making a mistake. If you keep passing it to another meeting or committee or team, you can't be blamed if it doesn't work.

12. This one brings us back around to number 11 again. There is no point, just more complaining and beating a dead horse. There is nothing here that is a mistake or could be changed. You ignore that information on this virus is changing daily because more data is being collected. The author also likes to ignore that the CDC reported that 70 of COVID patients did wear masks. Do you understand that? 70%. There's no risky information been given out. You pansies just want to think the government can protect you from everything instead of being responsible for your own well-being.

And once again, including you and the author of this poorly written piece, has anyone addressed that this virus has spread through the entire world. Including countries that have done everything that you bleeding heart babies think America should have done. In fact, most of those countries are now seeing a spike again. But you don't want to discuss this fact, because it destroys your whole case of trying to blame Trump for everything.


Posted 4:01 pm, 11/01/2020

You ever been a back seat driver. Hindsight is 20/20


Posted 3:24 pm, 11/01/2020

Some very specific mistakes (made by trump) that have resulted in the USA being the most covid ravaged country on earth:


I know, I know... "CNN? Fake News!". Read it & learn something (or don't). It's an opinion piece but the author uses factual information to make his points.

The pandemic isn't trump's fault but he failed huuuugely in his response to it in our country.

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