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Posted 4:20 pm, 07/20/2021

Well nasty 39 when you can define communism and comprehend its manifesto let us all know about it, meanwhile I suggest an uneducated hill billy such as yourself would be much belter off staying with those things you understand.


Posted 1:42 pm, 07/20/2021


Hello nsa. Well that wasn't a very nice post.
Can I ask you where you were educated at?
Your whole post just seems to be off.
Maybe take your meds and watch conjunction function.

And if I were communist I would rather have a communist flag shoved in your mouth I mean up my ***
Why would I want an American flag shoved into your mouth I mean up my *** if I were a communist?

And I hear the weather is perfect in Cuba this time of year. I bet with your education you make a lot of money so maybe you can buy us communists a first class round trip ticket to Cuba. I will send you a post card!!

Have a great day nsa!!


Posted 1:08 pm, 07/20/2021

I'd like to know where you communists live so I can shove an American flag up
Your a**. If you do like the way things were but you like how they are now. Then you should get the **** out of the US. Maybe Cuba or Venezuela

You guys need a life. Dumb uneducated hillbillies

Green Arrow

Posted 8:15 pm, 07/17/2021

Henryii, We can certaily hope the owner of this site has seen the damage that they did. You can't continue to treat anyone, even someone like me like nothing forever. I spent most of my life fighting their kind, from gradeschool on until today. I'm tired of fighting them. I have posted truths here, backed up by officials from Google search. I had no doubt that things done to me would get paid back the way they have. I knew aman for many years who was a decent kind man, who was good to me and it was turned into something nasty and sordid. I didn't deserve that slander and neither did he. When he died it was like my losing a grandfather. He would never have treated me the way his son did. It was dirty and there was no excuse for it except greed. 31 years is a long time to live on a property as a caretaker and love it like it was your own. People need to think before thetreat long time residents of this county as garbage to be shoved out of their homes. I can feel sorry for Jim Heafner but I will never forgive him.I hope he learned a lesson but I fear it passed him by since he values nothing but the almighty dollar


Posted 6:14 pm, 07/17/2021

Well Green they got run off so maybe there is a God after all.

Green Arrow

Posted 1:39 pm, 07/17/2021

Is it really better to have a site where no matter what you say or truth you speak is met with ridicule and insults?? There have been times when I have wanted to sit down and cry at some of the statements made by some here. "Aren't you dead yet"?? You are lying, etc etc. In 2004 I lost my home for the second time. In 20012 again. It was not funny but ******** thought it was. My parents died within 3 months of each other and I was made by some to believe it was my fault. It wasn't it was the poor excuses of so called relatives who had no better raising than to harass two elderly sick people at the end of their life. Don't like me good but don't take it out on someone who could not fight back. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around and I am seeing it now. It was a joke to some just to get back at me over a development from Charlotte. I haven't decided whether to continue here or not. I know if either of the three trolls come back I am gone. For years this has been a site to make fun of those less fortunate, the homeless, the sick, etc. It hasn'tbeen a site for Ashe County news its been a site to humiliate those they consider less than them. Its not funny to spend winters with no heat, cooking over a campfire. Its not funny to have a rare brain tumor few people have to deal with. I try to remember some people are just ignorant fools who would not know truth if it bit them on the ***. But that does not excuse some of what we have seen here.


Posted 12:08 pm, 07/17/2021

It's a sorry situation when a site has to rely on two Trumpoid deplorables for material!


Posted 5:44 am, 07/17/2021

The two primary posters on this site have "vacationed" before. What typically occurs is that this site stagnates and the rate of new posts plummets. As can be shown by the lack of activity on many trolling post on this site recently, ignoring the far right and far left neutralizes the impact and folks just pass on by.

Green Arrow

Posted 6:56 am, 07/13/2021

Cyberbacterium. I love that phrase, described the troll patrol to a t. But don't worry they are probably just renogiating their contracts here.


Posted 4:09 pm, 07/11/2021

I've never been one to take things for granted but I was rather hoping that having been out fantasized they might decide to get out of Dodge. But then most people thought diphtheria, tuberculosis and polio were gone for ever so I guess we shouldn't get too complacent about those two cyber bacterium remaining in limbo.

Joseph T.

Posted 1:38 pm, 07/11/2021

I guarantee that not you or anyone else ran those two off. They have had a habit of coming and going since since I join this site


Posted 5:37 pm, 07/10/2021

How long before the other sites run their sorry arses off? We sure don't want 'em back here with their demented fantasies and political crap.

Joseph T.

Posted 1:52 pm, 07/10/2021

Those two post on all of jason sites they will be back


Posted 10:40 am, 07/10/2021

Is it too soon to say: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED?


Posted 5:19 pm, 07/08/2021

Ahhhh the air is fresh and clean here now....hallelujah!

Green Arrow

Posted 4:39 pm, 07/08/2021

Maybe now that the Federal authorities are looking into old James H Heafner, hiscroonies in good old Ashe County are going down in flames with him including dogbreath and finny boy. All I can say is it's about time. I know when my parents both died withing 3 months of each other, my Moms obituary was made into a joke here along with the hurt my family was going through. This isn't an Ashe County news site, its a bully site with certain people being singled out if some don't like the truth. Mental, love it. Maybe you could write it into a song and my daughter can put in on her record along with such hits as "garbage on the roadside, Horse **** on my tires, neighbors burnong crap and other hit singles. LOL!!!!


Posted 5:51 am, 07/08/2021


Ding-dong! The dog and fish are gone
Which old dog and fish? The racist dog and fish!
Ding-dong! The dog and fish are gone
Wake up you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed
Wake up, the dog and fish are gone
They've gone where the goblins go
Below, below, below

Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out
Ding-dong's the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low
Let them know the dog and fish are gone!
But we've got to verify it legally
To see
To see?
If they
If they?

As mentalpause I thoroughly examined them
And they are not only merely gone
They really most sincerely are gone

Hope everyone has a great day!!!!


Posted 8:54 pm, 07/07/2021

I think they're gone for good Green, I know Pinocchio aka aficionado is playing around on the Wilkes site maybe Dung Beetle aka underdog is down there with him. I guess after the Wilkes bunch run 'em off they'll go to Watauga, who knows at least we're rid of 'em.

Green Arrow

Posted 12:59 pm, 07/07/2021

Had I know that just telling them I was documenting their lies and slander would send them scurrying I would have done it years ago. Good riddance tobaddd rubbish.


Posted 10:54 am, 07/05/2021

Well I guess things turned out pretty well as predicted: Pinocchio found out it was the Strongman that had a thing for him and not the Bearded Lady, when he saw the size of Strongman's thing he took off down the mountain.

Dung Beetle got back early this morning and he's walking funny, I think he might join Pinocchio down in Wilkes. I doubt that we'll hear anything about a Memorial Day bash those boys will probably stay down there and we wont be hearing from them for a while.
If you have some perverted nostalgic need to see their postings you'll probably find them skulking down on the Wilkes site.

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